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Respect and Protect

Respect and Protect

The Respect and Protect Program provides FREE barrier contraceptive methods to NKU students. Male condoms (latex and non-latex), female condoms and dental dams are available where ever the Respect and Protect logo is displayed. The Fuel NKU pantry (located in Albright Health Center Suite 104) also stocks condoms (subject to availability).

Current sites of distribution include all NKU housing locations, Student Union @ the LGBTQA office in SU 311, and the Health Services office in University 460. Fuel NKU also has condoms for students. 

Barrier contraceptive methods are the best tool to prevent an unplanned pregnancy and the transmission of a sexually transmitted infection. The Health Services staff encourage students to make responsible decisions if and when they become sexually active. Please remember to respect your partner and protect yourself!
