The Kentucky Graduate Profile, describes 10 Essential Skills that have been identified as key for academic and professional success. Launched in 2021 by the KY Council on Postsecondary Education, the profile is a set of shared competencies to ensure all students in any major are prepared to thrive post-graduation.
Essential Skills
1. Communicate effectively
2. Think critically
3. Apply quantitative reasoning skills
4. Interact effectively with people from diverse backgrounds
5. Adapt to changing circumstances
6. Perform professionally within chosen field of study or occupation
7. Engage in civic life to improve society
8. Collaborate and work in teams
9. Demonstrate evidence of applied and integrated learning
10. Use information for decision making
NKU Graduate Profile Team
NKU’s Graduate Profile team is tasked with ensuring NKU students have the opportunity to develop the essential skills across the curriculum and showcasing their visibility. NKU’s degree maps is one project that seeks to connect the essential skills with program goals.