The purpose of the University Curriculum Committee (UCC) is to process and recommend approval or disapproval of all policies and procedures related to the curriculum of Northern Kentucky University, with the exception of those policies and procedures that are under the purview of the Chase College of Law.
The curriculum process at NKU is owned and controlled by the faculty. Our curriculum manual serves as a resource for faculty and administrators involved in curricula issues such as course and program development and maintenance. It will assist faculty in facilitating the development of innovative and student centered programs and courses that support NKU’s mission and core values of excellence, integrity, inclusiveness, innovation and collegiality. The curriculum manual also includes definitions of curriculum related terms at NKU and general polices related to curriculum.
The Name of this standing committee of the Faculty Senate is the University Curriculum Committee (UCC).
Section 1: The purpose of the UCC is to process and to recommend approval or disapproval of all policies and procedures related to the curriculum of Northern Kentucky University, with the exception of those policies and procedures that are under the purview of the Chase College of Law.
Section 2. The UCC will pr ocess and recommend approval or disapproval of the following: new courses, experimental courses, non-traditional credit courses, course change, new programs, majors and minors, and changes in programs, majors, and minors.
Section 3. The UCC will forward it s recommendation for approval to the appropriate office, i.e., the President of the Faculty Senate and/or the Provost.
Section 4. The UCC will process and recommend approval or disapproval of certificate programs that contain credit courses.
Section 5. The UCC will process and recommend approval or disapproval of all matters pertaining to General Education and remedial work.
Section 6. The UCC may initiate action on behalf of the faculty regarding curricula and related matters.
Section 1. Regular: The regular membership of the UCC is that specified in the Constitution of the Faculty Senate plus one non-voting representative chosen by the Interdisciplinary Studies faculty. The interdisciplinary representative will be chosen by a committee composed of one member from each of the interdisciplinary programs. Each Independent Program shall have one representative.
Section 2. The library will appointment a representative to the UCC
Section 3. Ex officio: The ex officio membership of the UCC are the NKU Registrar, a representative of Curriculum, Accreditation and Assessment, and the President of Student Government or their designated representatives.
Section 1. The officers of the UCC are the Chairperson, the Subcommittee chairpersons, and the Secretary.
Section 2. Following the election procedure set forth in the Faculty Senate’s Constitution Faculty Senate elects the Chairperson of the UCC.
Section 3. The Chairperson of the UCC will (a) set each meeting's agenda, (b) serve as an ex officio member of the Graduate Council, (c) act as liaison to university committees, bodies, and administrators in matters relating to curricula, and (d) engage in the other duties specified in the Faculty Senate's Constitution.
Section 4. The members of the UCC shall elect the Chairperson of the General Studies/Remedial Work Committee.
Section 5. The members of the UCC shall elect the Chairperson of the Experimental/Non-Traditional Course Committee.
Section 6. The members of the UCC shall elect the Secretary. He/she will keep minutes of the meetings.
Section 7. In the absence of nominations for the subcommittee chairpersons or for the Secretary, the Chairperson of the UCC will appoint a member(s) from the UCC to fill the vacant position(s).
Section 1. Regular: The chairperson of UCC will select (a) the meeting time convenient to as many members of the UCC as possible, and (b) the first date on which the UC is to meet each semester.
Section 2. Regular: The UCC will meet the first and third Thursday of the month after Section 1(b) has been established.
Section 3. Regular: The Chairperson of the UCC should try to have the agenda posted approximately two days in advance of the meeting.
Section 4. Special: the Chairperson of the UCC may call special meetings of the UCC. The UCC members will be notified as far in advance as possible.
Section 5. Quorum: A simple majority of the UCC constitutes a quorum.
Section 6. Approval of an agenda item. Unless otherwise specified herein, the agenda item will be decided by majority.
Curriculog automates the process of curriculum approval, helping colleges and universities to approve course and program changes and improve communication about the curriculum across campus.
As a guest, anyone can view all open proposal requests. By clicking on the "View" icon, guests can also see the proposal's progress.
If you are a member of a specific process you can log in using the link below. If you need credentials to log in, please contact one of our system administrators. (Richard Fox or Onyinye Uwolloh)
Training material can be found here: curriculog
A. 90 – reserved for future use.
B. 91 – reserved for thesis and comprehensive exam
Thesis - a product of scholarly contribution to knowledge in the form of a study, experiment, survey, or creative work (for example, paper, presentation) given in the final undergraduate or graduate year.
Comprehensive examinations – examinations covering the entire field of major study given in the final undergraduate or graduate year.
C. 92 – reserved for research
Research – scientific or scholarly investigation separate from thesis work; the latter is included in the 91 credits.
D. 93 – reserved for seminar
Seminar – courses intended to be seminar (discussion/research-based).
E. 94 – reserved for special topics and seminar
Special topics – courses offered by faculty on an occasional basis only and not intended to be part of the regular offerings in the discipline.
F. 95 – reserved for study abroad topics courses
Study abroad topics courses – courses that will include a component of class meetings outside the US.
G. 96 – reserved for practica, field experiences, internships, assistantships
Practica, field experiences, internships, assistantships, practical experience in a work environment that includes supervision by faculty and may include compensation.
H. 97 – reserved for exhibits, recitals, shows, portfolios, presentations and special projects
Exhibits, recitals, shows, portfolios, presentations and special projects – public exhibits, performances, and presentations that represent the finished product of student preparation and work.
I. 98 – reserved for future use
J. 99 – reserved for independent study and directed readings
Independent study and directed readings – study undertaken by student(s), under the direction of faculty, but without formal class meetings.
Sept 5,
Sept 19,
Oct 3,
Oct 17,
Nov 7,
Nov 21,
Dec 5,
(Last Day of Fall Classes - Dec 6)
(Fall Exam Week Dec 7 - Dec 13 )
Jan 16,
Feb 6,
Feb 20,
Spring Break (March 10 - March 14)
Mar 6
Mar 20 or 27 (specific date to be determined),
Apr 3,
Apr 17,
May 1
(Last Day of Classes - May 2)
(Exam Week May 3 - May 9 )
2020-2021 | 2021-2022 | 2022-2023 | 2023-2024 | 2024-2025 |
09/03/2020 | 09/02/21 | 09/01/22 | 09/07/23 | 09/05/24 |
09/17/2020 | 09/16/21 | 09/15/22 | 09/21/23 | 09/19/24 |
10/01/2020 | 10/07/21 | 10/06/22 | 10/05/23 | 10/03/24 |
10/15/2020 | 10/21/21 | 10/20/22 | 10/19/23 | 10/17/24 |
11/05/2020 | 11/04/21 - No Meeting | 11/03/22 - No Meeting | 11/02/23 | 11/07/24 |
11/19/2020 | 11/18/21 | 11/17/22 | 11/16/23 | 11/21/24 |
12/03/2021 | 12/02/21 - No Meeting | 12/01/22 | 12/07/23 | 12/05/24 |
01/21/2021 | 01/20/22 | 01/19/23 | 01/18/24 | |
02/04/2021 | 02/03/22 | 02/02/23 | 02/01/24 | |
02/18/2021 | 02/17/22 | 02/16/23 | 02/15/24 | |
03/04/2021 | 03/03/22 | 03/02/23 | 03/21/24 | |
03/25/2021 | 03/24/22 | 03/23/23 | 04/04/24 | |
04/15/2021 | 04/07/22 | 04/06/23 | 04/18/24 | |
05/07/2021 | 04/21/22 | 04/20/23 | ||
05/08/23 |
2015-2016 | 2016-2017 | 2017-2018 | 2018-2019 | 2019-2020 |
09/03/15 | 09/01/16 | 09/07/17 | 09/06/18 | 09/05/19 |
10/01/15 | 09/15/16 | 09/21/07 | 09/20/18 | 09/19/19 |
10/15/15 | 10/06/16 | 10/05/17 | 10/04/18 | 10/03/19 (no file) |
11/05/15 | 10/20/16 | 10/19/17 | 10/18/18 | 10/17/19 |
11/19/15 | 11/03/16 | 11/02/17 | 11/01/18 | 11/07/19 |
12/03/15 | 11/17/16 | 11/16/17 | 11/15/18 | 11/21/19 |
12/11/15 | 12/01/16 | 12/07/17 | 12/06/18 | 12/05/19 |
02/04/16 | 01/19/17 | 01/18/18 | 01/17/19 | 01/16/20 |
02/18/16 | 02/02/17 | 02/01/18 | 02/07/19 | 02/06/20 |
03/17/16 | 02/16/17 | 02/15/18 | 02/21/19 | 02/20/20 |
04/07/16 | 03/02/17 | 03/01/18 | 03/07/19 | 03/05/20 |
03/16/17 | 03/22/18 | 03/28/19 | 03/26/20 | |
04/07/17 | 04/05/18 - No Meeting |
04/04/19 | 04/02/20 (no file) | |
04/20/17 | 04/19/18 | 04/18/19 - No Meeting | 04/16/20 | |
05/09/19 - email-vote |
2015-2016 | 2016-2017 | 2017-2018 | 2018-2019 | 2019-2020 |
09/03/15 | 09/01/16 | 09/07/17 | 09/06/18 | 09/05/19 |
10/01/15 | 09/15/16 | 09/21/07 | 09/20/18 | 09/19/19 |
10/15/15 | 10/06/16 | 10/05/17 | 10/04/18 | 10/03/19 |
11/05/15 | 10/20/16 | 10/19/17 | 10/18/18 | 10/17/19 |
11/19/15 | 11/03/16 | 11/02/17 | 11/01/18 | 11/07/19 |
12/03/15 | 11/17/16 | 11/16/17 | 11/15/18 | 11/21/19 |
12/11/15 | 12/01/16 | 12/07/17 | 12/06/18 | 12/05/19 |
02/04/16 | 01/19/17 | 01/18/18 | 01/17/19 | 01/16/20 |
02/18/16 | 02/02/17 | 02/01/18 | 02/07/19 | 02/06/20 |
03/17/16 | 02/16/17 | 02/15/18 | 02/21/19 | 02/20/20 |
04/07/16 | 03/02/17 | 03/01/18 | 03/07/19 | 03/05/20 |
03/16/17 | 03/22/18 | 03/28/19 | 03/26/20 | |
04/07/17 | 04/05/18 - No Meeting |
04/04/19 | 04/02/20 | |
04/20/17 | 04/19/18 | 04/18/19 - No Meeting | 04/16/20 | |
05/09/19 - email-vote |
All data must be entered into Curriculog. These forms are provided to assist in the preparation.
CPE Agenda Item - Template (required with NOI)
The following templates must be included in both the Pre and Full Proposals in addition to the template froms above.
A. Funding Source Template
B. Budget/Expense Template
C. CPEs Course Curriculum Excel Template
University Curriculum Committee:
Colleen Deel, Open Educational Resources Librarian
Office: SL 327
Phone: (859) 572-5723
Arts & Sciences Curriculum Committee:
Melissa England, Head of Collections and Discovery Services
Office: SL 263
Phone: (859) 572-6651
Business Curriculum Committee:
Donna Smith, E-Resources Librarian
Office: SL 259
Phone: (859) 572-6140
Education Curriculum Committee:
Colleen Deel, Open Educational Resources Librarian
Office: SL 327
Phone: (859) 572-5723
General Education Curriculum Committee:
Andrea Brooks, Pedagogy and Assessment Librarian
Office: SL 319
Phone: (859) 572-1357
Health & Human Services Curriculum Committee:
Laura Menard, Head of Library Access Services
Office: SL 317
Phone: (859) 572-5722
Honors College Curriculum Committee
Kami McDaniel, Head of Special Collections and University Archives
Office: SL 106A
Phone: (859) 572-5863
Informatics Curriculum Committee:
Katy Tucker, Cataloging and Metadata Librarian
Office: SL 258
Phone: (859) 572-5826
Old UCC website search instructions (
1. Once you reach the website, select ALL FORMS (beneath “VIEW SUBMITTED CURRICULUM FORMS in the rightmost column).
2. Log in using your NKU log in.
3. Select the appropriate form type as follows:
· C1: for new or deleted tracks, deleting programs and web-based options
· C2: all other program changes aside from C1 and admissions changes (C4)
· C3: new minor
· C4: admissions changes to program
· C: all program changes prior to fall 2012
· H: new courses (see #6 below)
· K: course changes (see #5 below)
· G: adding a course to the gen ed program (existing or new courses)
· M: mass course changes (see #5 below)
· 6: new certificate program proposals
· 7: program preproposals
· 8: full program proposals
· 9: full program proposals prior to 2012
· 10: syllabi
Upon selecting the form type, a new page will eventually appear. It takes time to generate the page as all of the entries of that type need to be loaded from the database.
Expect this to take anywhere from 30 seconds to a couple of minutes.
4. You may scroll down until you find the entry but its easier to type in part of the title of what you are looking for in the Search box. For courses, type in the course designator or number. You can do both but be warned, ABC 100 will not appear if the proposer had originally entered ABC100. Click on the “Select” link to the left of the entry to bring it up. NOTE: to return to the page you just visited requires the database be reloaded. If you plan on looking for several forms, rather than clicking on the Select link, right click on the link and select “Open Link in New Tab”.
5. Course changes might be found under K or M, you might want to search both. For mass change forms, you are presented a drop-down menu to select the type of change (course names, deletions, designators, numbers, prereq/coreq, term).
6. For a while, all new courses required a syllabus. However, this was not always true and so you may or may not find a syllabus accompanying a new course form,
7. There are at least a couple of years of data missing from our database because it was hacked into twice around 2008 and 2009. If you fail to find an entry, it might be because it no longer exists or that an electronic version never existed. Check with the VPUAA’s office to see if there is a hardcopy version.
NOTE on SLOs: SLOs were not originally required in syllabi. SLO changes were not originally required to go through the curriculum process. And syllabi were not always required to accompany new or changed courses. The result is that there is no single location where you might find the approved SLOs for a course. Your best bet is to first search curriculog for a new course proposal or a course change if the change was to change the SLOs. Next, check the old UCC website by looking for either the new course form, the course change form, or the syllabus. Failing that, go to the syllabus bank at
For further assistance, contact the UCC chair (currently Richard Fox,, 5334).
For items submitted since fall 2016, use Curriculog. For items submitted electronically prior to 2016, use the old UCC website. For items submitted before that (circa 2001), check the VPUAA’s office for the hardcopy.
Curriculog search instructions (
1. If it is one of your own proposals, log in and click on the My Proposals tab.
2. Otherwise, select All Proposals and then the Advanced Filter link. If it is a proposal that has made it through the full process, it will have been removed from the “All Proposals” default list. Select the Completed check box (under Proposal Status).
3. Next, to reduce the number of entries, use the Process Type drop-down box. Select Course for all new course and course change forms, Program for all new program and program changes forms, and Other for mass course change forms and other items. Or, scroll down further to find the specific form used. These are listed by catalog year and form type (e.g., z-2018-2019 Course – New, the z is used to indicate that these forms are for prior years). For course changes, you might need to search through both course changes and mass course
changes. You can also reduce the number of entries by selecting a “Date Search Scope” such as “Completed Between” “August 1, 2017” and “August 31, 2018”.
4. You can also reduce the number of entries using the Keyword box. Keep in mind that multiple items typed into this box are “OR”ed together. For instance, INF 284 would find all forms that have either INF or 284 in their title (including items with “inf” found anywhere in the title like Business Informatics).
5. Select Filter Proposals.