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Staff Congress

2024-2025 Staff Congress Executive Team

  Staff Congress President: Vicki Cooper
  Staff Congress President-Elect: TBD July
  Staff Congress Secretary: TBD July
  Staff Congress Parlimentarian: TBD July


Your Staff Congress Brings The Information You Need
 Hook up with us via virtually.

Please contact Vicki Cooper or Grace Hiles for Zoom link & materials
Also - Meeting materials are sent via staffcongress listserv - an email distribution list of all NKU staff.

Be informed! Be involved!
Check out previous meetings' minutes & agendas 

Staff Congress and University Community's

Hang out, bring a friend, pack a lunch
FYI - check your email for the latest event distributed by the Staff Congress listserv!

Upcoming 2024-2025 Get Togethers: TBA


Staff Congress
Budget Repositioning and Presidential Statement 2022

A “climate of collegiality built on respect and characterized by open communication and shared responsibility” will allow us to “promote a culture that fosters and celebrates excellence,” while “engag[ing] in honest, fair, and ethical behavior with integrity at the heart of every decision and action.”

*Please read full statement in above link.


Become a Norse Aficionado!

Staff Congress at NKU is looking to build a
database of our staff and the wonderful things
you contribute to not only NKU,
but to those of us who may want to utilize you
for their expertise outside of

Admin Evaluation Surveys

Staff Administrative Pilot Survey Evaluations
-Completed & Accounted: Your feedback was provided to administration

  • All full-time staff are eligible to participate.

  • President & the Cabinet will be survey evaluated

  • Thanks to everyone for participating! Special shout out to Information Technology for the revised format!

  • Parameters

Staff Congress Surveys
Please check out the surveys our wonderful staff have participated in!

Don't ponder on those problems
These individuals are your voice  
  • Our Minutes
  • Our Meetings
    2024-2025 Staff Congress Directory
    *Term starts July 1, 2024

    SBD Value
    We will maintain a climate of collegiality built on respect and characterized by open communication and shared responsibility.

vicki cooper
Vicki Cooper
Staff Congress President
Have a question?
Want an answer?

For Roundtable focused questions, please refer to the
Roundtable 2023 question box
on this page
Please view the Your Q&A link
above for the most
recent feedback

Our Location

Staff Congress Office
Lucas Administrative Center 105
Highland Heights, KY 41099

2023-2024 Staff Congress Members

Office Personnel:
Grace Hiles

Our Past...
Did you know the NKU BOR approved
the formation of
Staff Congress in 1982?

A Matter of Time

Congress Created to Improve
Staff Relations

Staff Facebook
NKU Staff have a Facebook page.
Why can't we be friends?
Hook up and send a friend request today!  
 Stay in the loop via your email!
Request to be placed on the Staff Congress Listserv!
Know a new employee? Let us know!

Did you know that Staff Congress has six standing committees?

Constitution & Bylaws
Elections & Credentials

Staff Congress also has numerous members that serve on various University Committees!


Benevolent Society

Where co-workers & confidants merge into your NKU family! Please consider donating some of your vacation time to those in need of a helping hand.

Fill out a Voluntary Sick Leave Donation Form made available in this office & the office of Human Resources. Learn more about the Benevolent Society here.