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Destination Safe

Destination Safe Logo

Your Safety Matters

The Northern Kentucky University Police Department offers Destination Safe, a free companion service to enhance campus safety.

Available at all times, University Police offers this service to accompany students, staff, and faculty members to and from parking lots, parking garages, campus offices, campus facilities, residential halls, or any other location on campus.

We strongly encourage all students, faculty and staff to walk in pairs or small groups, especially late at night.

Coordinating a Destination Safe Request 

Call the University Police at (859) 572-5500 to request the service. If possible, call 10 to 15 minutes ahead of time. You will need to provide your name, location, destination, number of people that need an escort, and call back telephone number. You can also use our new Text to University Police app. 

Personnel will be dispatched to your location as soon as possible. In most instances, our personnel will respond in a timely manner; however, an emergency situation may dictate a longer waiting period. We appreciate your patience in these circumstances.

If you are waiting for assistance from a parking lot or garage, please remain in your vehicle with your doors locked and your headlights on if it is after dark.

University Police Vehicles and Officers