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Community Outreach

Reaching out to you

The main objective of the Community Relations Team (CRT) is to create a safe and fun environment through teamwork and education for the entire Northern Kentucky University community.  To carry out our goal, we will enhance the safety awareness and prevention to Students, Faculty and Staff throughout the year by giving crime prevention tips, presentations, programs and demonstrations concerning safety.   Some of the topics will include:

Property Identification, Campus Safety, Drug Use/Abuse, Crime Prevention, Active Shooter, Pedestrian Safety, Drinking and Driving, Fire & Medical Emergencies, Bomb Threat, Emergency Evacuation, Rape Aggression Defense Training and Resident Hall Police Liaison.

Our Community Relations Team will also like to extend our services to anyone who is interested in having a member from the Community Relations Team being involved within your group, team or organization project or program.  The involvement doesn't have to be safety related.  As long as the mission is to have fun, educate and/or strengthen relationships, we will be more than happy to be apart of your task.




