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Thank you for your commitment to students with disabilities at Northern Kentucky University. This section will provide you with information and resources to support the needs of students with disabilities. Here you will find information regarding OSA procedures and best practices for the accommodation and inclusion of NKU students with disabilities. OSA looks forward to working with you to create a welcoming and accessible classroom and campus environment.

The Office for Student Accessibility has an online system called Accommodate which will allow you to view the students in your current courses that are registered with our office and see what their approved accommodations are.  Through this system, you will also be able to approve a student's request for testing throught the Testing Center and upload testing materials. Please be aware that Accommodate does not support Safari or Internet Explorer. We recommend using Chrome, Firefox, or Edge.




  • Online Course Accessibility

    While many courses are switching to an online format, it is important that we together continue to meet the requirements of approved academic accommodations and the provision of accessible content for students with disabilities.

  • Syllabus Statement

    One of the key steps to take is to ensure that your syllabus outlines all expectations and requirements from the beginning of the semester including all assignments, required books and readings, research projects, project due dates, exam/quiz dates, etc.

  • Faculty Notifications of Accommodations

    Once students complete the Office for Student Accessibility registration they are eligible to begin using accommodations. Each semester and for every class, students must request an Accommodation Letter via the Accommodate portal. Accommodations are not retroactive and begin from the date of formal notification. The Accommodation Letter will be given to you by the student and outlines approved reasonable accommodations that will allow the student to fully access the course.

  • Approving Exam Requests

    Test proctoring is a service provided by Testing Services at Northern Kentucky University. You are welcome to use Testing Services to proctor exams for students who have approved accommodations through Student Accessibility Services. As an alternative to using Testing Services, you may choose to proctor your own exams. Please ensure you can provide the requested accommodations before proctoring exams.

  • Student Confidentiality

    Disability information is private. Information about a student’s Office for Student Accessibility registration and accommodations should be held in strict confidence. OSA complies with FERPA guidelines and can discuss student progress to support coordination of services for the student’s educational benefit. OSA welcomes you to contact the office at any time concerning student needs.

  • Student Referrals and the Role of the Office for Student Accessibility

    Students are encouraged to self-disclose their need for accommodations to the Office for Student Accessibility as soon as a need for an accommodation is evident. You are not required or expected to accommodate a disability about which you are not informed or made aware. If you encounter a student who discloses that they have a disability, you should inquire whether they are registered with OSA; and if not, you should encourage them to do so. You should not seek to make accommodation arrangements on your own. If a student requests a disability-related accommodation for which you have not been notified of, please refer him or her immediately to OSA, and document your referral in your records. It is both the responsibility of the student and the faculty member to engage in a good-faith interaction, along with the Office for Student Accessibility, in order to cooperate for development of a reasonable accommodation.
