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Approving an Exam Request in Accommodate


Test proctoring is a service provided by Testing Services at Northern Kentucky University. You are welcome to use Testing Services to proctor exams for students who have approved accommodations through the Office for Student Accessibility. As an alternative to using Testing Services, you may choose to proctor your own exams. Please ensure you can provide the requested accommodations before proctoring exams.  Below are the steps to approve/deny a student's request.

1.  Students request a testing appointment via Accommodate which generates an email sent to you from Testing Services.

2.  Follow the link included in the email to log in to the Accommodate faculty portal with your NKU username and password.

3.  Select “Courses” at the left side of your home screen.

4.  Choose the course in which the student is enrolled. The student’s course and section will be included in the initial email.

5.  Click the “Room Bookings” tab near the top of the screen.

6.  Approved testing appointments will be visible on the next page. To approve new exam requests, click the “Pending” tab to the left of the “Approved” tab.

7.  Click on the name of your student.

8.  This will take you to the Alternative Testing Room Booking form, which will allow you to input necessary details for Testing Services staff to administer the exam properly.

  • Review the time and date of the appointment for accuracy.
  • The length of the exam should reflect what the class will have to complete the exam.
  • Add Exam Delivery and Return options by selecting your choice from the drop-down menu.
  • If upload option was selected for Exam Delivery, please upload Exam using the attachment feature.
  • Select approved items that are allowed in the room (e.g. particular calculators, note cards, formulae sheets, etc.) in addition to any other instructions needed to proctor the exam.
  • Choose yes or no under “Testing Appointment Approved” to send your student notification of approval or decline.
  • Click “Submit.”
  • To go back to the Courses and Appointments menu, click the “Cancel” button

The student’s request will now appear in your “Approved” tab under Room Bookings. If you have any other testing requests, they will appear under the “Pending” tab. Repeat steps 4 on, to approve each testing request.

A video walking you through the above instructions is also available.

Proctored exams are monitored by closed circuit camera. Cell phone, smart watches, backpacks and other personal belongings are not permitted in the testing rooms. Students are advised to schedule exams within the same time frame that the exam is being given in class, unless an alternate time in collaboratively agreed upon between yourself and the student.

If you have questions about approving an exam request, please contact Testing Services at 859-572-6373 or by email at

If you are teaching an online course, your exam must be extended per their accommodation. If you are unsure of how much time the student should receive, please reach out to our office. For technical assistance with exam accommodations please connect with the NKU IT Help Desk.

Extending Time in Canvas
