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Assistive Technology/Equipment


Northern Kentucky University provides a variety assistive technology/equipment to students with disabilities. In addition to adaptive hardware and software, limited training and instruction are provided to students who wish to learn to use these technologies.

Assistive Technology/Equipment in Testing Services (UC 101):

  • Computers
  • Internet
  • Adaptive Keyboard
  • Trackball Mouse
  • Kurzweil 3000 and Kurzweil 1000 Text-to-Speech
  • Naturally Speaking (Dragon) Dictation Software
  • JAWS Screen Reader
  • NVDA Screen Reader
  • Zoom Text Screen Magnifier
  • CCTV's Black & White and Color
  • Handheld Magnifiers
  • Wheelchair Accessible Work Areas

Assistive Technology/Equipment in the Office for Student Accessibility (SU 303):

  • Computers
  • Internet
  • Adaptive Keyboard
  • Trackball Mouse
  • Brailler Labeler
  • Kurzweil 3000 Text-to-Speech
  • Dragon Naturally Speaking Dictation Software
  • NVDA Screen Reader
  • Zoom Text Screen Magnifier
  • Handheld Magnifiers
  • Wheelchair Accessible Work Areas

Assistive Technology/Equipment in the Steely Library (4th floor):

  • Computers
  • Internet
  • Kurzweil 3000 Text-to-Speech
  • JAWS Screen Reader
  • CCTV's Black & White
  • Wheelchair Accessible Work Areas

Please visit the Steely Library information site on requesting special accommodations or services, which may be necessary to fully utilize the resources and services of Steely Library.

Assistive Technology/Equipment in Chase College of Law (Career Services Center):

  • Computers
  • Internet
  • Kurzweil 3000 Text-to-Speech
  • Dragon Naturally Speaking Dictation Software
  • Wheelchair Accessible Work Areas


Kurzweil 3000 computer screen reader is available to all NKU students. Below are the steps to begin using the cloud-based Kurzweil system.

If you are a Northern Kentucky University student with a disability and would like to learn more about the available facilities or learn how to use assistive technology/equipment, please contact the Office for Student Accessibility to set up a meeting time.
