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Syllabus Statement


One of the key steps to take is to ensure that your syllabus outlines all expectations and requirements from the beginning of the semester including all assignments, required books and readings, research projects, project due dates, exam/quiz dates, etc.

There are several reasons why a syllabus statement is critical. A syllabus statement normalizes the accommodation process, while helping to create a positive and welcoming environment for students with disabilities. The statement invites the instructor, student, and Student Accessibility Services to work together in an interactive and collaborative process when providing legally mandated accommodations. It also serves as a reminder to students who request accommodations that these arrangements need to be made each semester. Feel free to choose from one of the sample syllabus statements below:

Sample Statement 1

Northern Kentucky University is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for all persons with disabilities. The syllabus is available in alternate formats upon request. Students with disabilities: If you are seeking classroom accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act, you are required to register with the Office for Student Accessibility in SU 303. To receive academic accommodations for this class, please obtain the proper OSA forms and meet with me at the beginning of the semester. More information on Student Accessibility Services can be found at

Sample Statement 2

The University is committed to making reasonable efforts to assist individuals with disabilities in their efforts to avail themselves of services and programs offered by the University. To this end, Northern Kentucky University will provide reasonable accommodations for persons with documented qualifying disabilities. If you have a disability and feel you need accommodations in this course, you must present a letter to me from the Office for Student Accessibility (SU 303), indicating the existence of a disability and the suggested accommodations. More information can be found at  

Sample Statement 3

Students who are registered with the Office for Student Accessibility and receive accommodations should notify me as soon as possible to avoid any delays in implementing those accommodations. Student who are not already registered but may be eligible due to a documented disability should visit OSA (Student Union 303) to discuss accommodations. More information can be found at  

These are general statement samples. You are welcome (and encouraged) to state that you support inclusion, foster an equitable classroom experience, etc. This message is simple but goes a long way in making students with disabilities feel welcome and comfortable in the classroom.
