Administration and Finance: Northern Kentucky University, Greater Cincinnati Region
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Administration and Finance

The Administration and Finance (A&F) Division includes over 400 employees who perform a wide variety of tasks for NKU. 

The areas within the A&F division are overviewed below. If you need additional information, please contact us

Phone of Griffin Hall

The Chief Financial Officer is responsible for ethically, equitably, effectively, and transparently managing NKU’s financial resources and multimillion dollar operating budget.

NKU staff and faculty at university event

Human Resources provides services that benefit employees throughout all phases of their time at NKU.

IT working on a computer

Information Technology (IT) implements and supports all of the technology at NKU and those who use it.

NKU campus and lake

The Vice President of Administration & Finance/CFO develops and maintains all university policies

A&F Mission

We provide the campus community with quality services and sound advice to ensure the effective management and stewardship of the university's financial, human, technology, data, information, and physical resources in ways that advance NKU's core mission and strategic priorities and contribute to student success.

A&F Vision

Innovative thinking. Expert advice. Efficient operations. Exceeding expectations.