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Human Resources


Attention Icon - W-2 Electionic Election Notification

Holiday Closure:  CLOSED 12/19/2024 TO 1/5/2025

Attention Icon - W-2 Electionic Election Notification

W-2 Online Selection Deadline - To receive a paperless W-2, select the online W-2 statement option through the myNKU Employee Self-Service portal no later than December 31st. You will be notified when W-2s are available.

Employees who have separated employment from Northern Kentucky University will have a W-2 paper form printed and mailed.

Hours of Operation:  Monday - Friday,  8:15 am - 4:30 pm

Location: Lucas Administration Center 7th Floor, Room 708

Office Phone: 859-572-5200

Fax: 859-572-6998


Exterior of NKU building during the springtime.