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Supporting Lives that Thrive

University Wellness is dedicated to supporting the health and well-being of our NKU faculty and staff.

Our mission is to build and support a culture that is conducive to promoting and encouraging healthy lifestyle behaviors and fosters employee engagement.

Thriving faculty and staff are the foundation of a successful university and drive student success. 

Many people ask us what makes NKU’s health and well-being efforts so successful and the answer is really quite simple…


University Wellness listens to you, we empower you, and we celebrate you.

Building from values, relationships and behaviors, we understand that your journey involves all aspects of life, more than what you eat and how much you exercise. Embracing your personal vision of health and well-being, and igniting your energy towards actively shaping our evolving culture on campus, is all part of how we achieve a common goal of fulfilling a sense of well-being that extends beyond the physical.

We invite you to join us, as we continue to deliver experiences and support that adds to the vibrancy of your life and our campus. Tell your stories, connect with each other, and together we will continue to make a difference.


Kim Baker, Director of Wellness
Founders Hall 359