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Student travel is reimbursed by submitting a parked vendor invoice. The student travel form along with all expense receipts and documentation should be electronically attached.

Travel Links:  

Travel Regulations: 

  • The state of Kentucky travel regulations apply to all student travel.
  • Credit card receipts are not acceptable- an establishment receipt must be presented in order to receive any payment over $10.00.
  • Hotel and food cannot exceed the state limits.
  • Lodging - Economy required. Lodging costs should be the most economical that are consistent with the state's best interests. Facilities providing special government rates or commercial rates will be used where feasible. 
  • Subsistence (includes meals, tax and tip) are limited to employee per diems.  Refer to the Student Travel Form for per diem rates.
    If registration fees have not been prepaid and are paid by funds advanced, receipts are required.
  • Transportation should be the most economical; routes traveled should be the most direct and usually traveled. If airline tickets or registrations are to be purchased they may be purchased using the procurement card.
  • Transportation carrier, mileage, tolls, parking, cab, official business telephone calls, baggage charges, etc. are not included in subsistence rates and should be reported separately on travel voucher. If there is not a specific line, list in "other expenses."
  • Costs over $10.00 require receipts issued by the establishment to support the charges. The only exception is toll charges. Items under $10.00, not requiring a receipt, should be what would be considered ordinary and necessary for that type of transaction.
  • Expenses NOT allowable are alcohol, gratuities (included in meal subsistence), insurance, laundry charges, and any other expenses of a personal nature.

Student travel is reimbursed by submitting a parked vendor invoice. The student travel form along with all expense receipts and documentation should be electronically attached. Departments are responsible for keeping all original receipts. If the students are traveling as a group please attach a list of all attendees.

On rare occasions when payment cannot be made with check or credit card, an advance may be requested. 

  • An advancement of funds for student travel is secured by submitting a parked vendor invoice for an estimate of travel related expenses along with a list of the students who will be traveling.
  • All travel documents should be submitted to the Accounts Payable office (AC 601).
  • Documentation and original receipts should be returned to Accounts Payable no later than 10 days after the last day of travel.  Failure to submit documentation supporting the advance, and applicable deposit, within 10 days could result in the employee being ineligible for future advances.
  • The funds must be requested by the faculty/staff advisor and signed by the appropriate department head.
  • Checks must be made payable to a faculty or staff member.
  • Funds should be requested at least 7 to 10 days in advance of the trip.
  • The G/L account for student travel is 550915, and athletic team travel is 550935.
  • Any unused funds should be returned to Student Account Services (formerly Bursar Operations) with a completed expenditure deposit form.  The signed form showing receipt by Student Account Services should be returned to Accounts Payable along with all other documentation and receipts.