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Faculty Regent Election

Faculty Regent Election

The announcement of the names of the candidates and the election information shall be made no less than seven calendar days before the election. The Election Committee will announce the names of the candidates, listed in alphabetical order, and the dates of the election.
  • Voting
    April 1 - April 12

  • Open Forums
    March 26 Hybrid 3:30-5pm SU 104 - Zoom Recording
    March 29 Hybrid 3:30-5pm UC Ballroom - Zoom Recording

    Please feel free to reach out and provide your questions, concerns and feedback to candidates. Be an informed voter!

  • Announcement of the 2024-2027 Faculty Regent
    April 22 Hybrid 3pm UC Ballroom Faculty Senate Meeting
*Run off: April 15-19, 2024
If no candidate receives a majority vote (defined as 50% + l of the valid votes cast), a run-off election will be scheduled. To determine eligible candidates for the run-off election, the Election Committee will rank all candidates by the number of valid votes won, scheduling a run-off election between the two candidates with the most votes.

To view candidate photos and statements please go to this link:

Candidate Bios & Photos Here

Voting For Faculty Regent

April 1-12

Eligible faculty can vote HERE during election process. A log in will be required.
And an email ballot sent via nkufaculty listserv from Grace Hiles


Eligibility To Vote

The faculty member shall be elected by secret ballot by all faculty members of his or her university of the rank of instructor, assistant professor, or above.

Questions & Concerns
2023 2024 Election Committee