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Faculty Advocate Nominations and Elections

Definition & Purpose of Faculty Advocate:
The Faculty Advocate serves as a member of the Faculty Senate Executive Committee (meetings on Monday at 1 pm) and as an officer of the Faculty Senate. The Faculty Advocate serves as a kind of ombudsperson to give advice on process and policy, investigate (on a limited basis) complaints and attempt to resolve them, mediate disagreements, and make recommendations to the Faculty Senate.  
Please refer to Senate Constitution for additional information

Any faculty member may nominate a potential candidate. Nominees must be a full time tenured faculty member. A bio-statement and photo will be requested from qualified candidates.

March 24 Nominations Start
April 4 Nominations End

All tenured and tenure-track faculty, regardless of part-time or administrator percentage of their appointment, plus full-time NTTR faculty will receive an individualized ballot to vote for Faculty Advocate.

April 21 Voting Begins
May 2 Voting Ends

Election results announced at May 9th Faculty Senate meeting.   

Please use the link below to nominate a qualified faculty member for Faculty Advocate

Nomination form: HERE


Questions and concerns pertaining to the election process may be referred to Greg Hatchett, Faculty Senate Elections Chair or Jacqueline Emerine, Faculty Senate President. Technical issues may be address to Grace Hiles.