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The charge of the Strategic Planning Committee is to guide and monitor the planning process in the following ways:

  • Facilitate the strategic planning process in accordance with the timeline and structure presented to the NKU Board of Regents at its January 2013 meeting
  • Endorse, follow, and promote the guiding principles for the strategic planning process
  • Manage the process in a manner that ensures optimal opportunity for input from all constituencies
  • Read assigned background materials on internal and external environmental trends influencing the future of the University
  • Coordinate analyses of the institution’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) with work groups that include other faculty, staff, and administrators
  • Advise in the development of a communications plan to promote engagement and information flow about the process and the committee’s progress
  • Recommend revisions of the mission, vision, and core values of the University
  • Develop a draft of the strategic plan for review by the University community and external stakeholders
  • After synthesizing feedback from constituencies, revise and recommend a final strategic plan
  • Promote and advocate for implementation of the strategic plan
  • Actively engage in disseminating information about the planning process, the strategic plan, and its implementation.

What Do You Think?

If you have a comment or suggestion for the NKU Strategic Planning Committee, please share it with our members.

We created an online form for anyone who would like to have their ideas posted on this website. To access that form, click here.

If you prefer to express your ideas privately to only the committee members, our email address is