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NKU believes that a diverse student body enhances the quality of the living and learning environment.  The Educational Diversity and Access Scholarship represents NKU's commitment and investment to support diversity and inclusion.
First-time freshman applicants must be a US citizen or permanent resident and show evidence of academic achievement.  Eligible applicants will have a 2.5 weighted or higher high school GPA and submission of a essay response to the following questions: 
  • NKU believes that a diverse student body enhances the quality of the living and learning environment. Please describe how aspects of your life experiences, special skills or values equip you to make a positive contribution to help ensure that NKU is a community that is welcoming and supportive and one that celebrates and respects our differences.
  • NKU students are just as engaged outside of the classroom as they are inside it. Whether it’s through service, research, mentoring, campus employment, athletics, visual or performing arts, or something else entirely, NKU students shape their community and make it a dynamic place to live and learn. We’re eager to know about the most meaningful ways you spend your time.  Please tell us about your activities when you’re not in the classroom, which may include extracurricular activities, community service, hobbies, employment or family responsibilities.

Each essay will need to be at least 750 words or less. 

To be considered for the Educational Diversity and Access Scholarship, please complete one of the two steps below by February 28th, 2025 at 11:59pm EST: 

1. Complete the NKU application for admission, by visiting this site: 

  • Once you have completed your admission application, you can navigate to the Status portal (see sample image below of Status Portal page) 
Homepage for Admissions Status page
  • Once on the Status Portal page, Click the Scholarship Freshman Educational Diversity and Access Scholarship link to complete the essay. 
Merit Scholarship Acceptance Link
  • For priority consideration for the scholarship, submit all application materials on or before February 28th, 2025. 

2. If you already submitted your Admissions application, you just need to complete the Educational Diversity and Access Scholarship essays:

  • Log in to view your Status portal (see sample image below of Status Portal page)
Homepage for Admissions Status page
  • Once on the Status Portal page, Click the Scholarship Freshman Educational Diversity and Access Scholarship link to complete the essay. 
Merit Scholarship Acceptance Link
  • For priority consideration for the scholarship, submit all application materials on or before February 28th, 2025. 


The Educational Diversity Scholarship may be awarded up to full tuition.  Note: Awards are subject to availability.