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Charlisa Daniels

Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry

"Dr. Daniels is a shining example of an activist leader. She not only inspires her students in the field of chemistry but those who work on this campus as well. She takes her role in Faculty Senate seriously and has been the conduit to NKU's first paid parental leave policy. She is passionate about equity and spreads so much joy to those who get the honor of working with her. I have no doubt that she will save the world one day."

"I think NKU is trying to grow in all kinds of ways. Like a sapling reaching both toward the sun and the groundwater."

What is your favorite thing about NKU?
The students, of course! Learning all about their paths up until now and hearing about what they are pointed toward.

Where is your favorite spot on campus? What makes that spot so special?
Now, you can’t have all my secrets! I won’t say where the spot is, but from it is a beautiful vista of the west side of campus. From the Science Center all the way to the Rec. And when campus is bustling on a beautiful day, people-watching is interesting.

What’s the first word that comes to mind when you think about NKU?
Growth. I think NKU is trying to grow in all kinds of ways. Like a sapling reaching both toward the sun and the groundwater.

What is your favorite way to spend your free time?
At anybody’s arts venue. Music Hall, the Aronoff, the Carnegie, Playhouse in the Park, Ensemble, CincyShakes’ Budig theater, the Know, you name it. Anywhere artists are performing art is where I want to be after debating science.  

What is your greatest passion?
Progression. I feel like I am always pushing myself, my family and my students to continue taking steps with life. Try not to let life knock you too far backward or plant you in one spot for too long. Keep yourself in movement in at least one area in life.

Tell us anything else about yourself and/or NKU that you want folks to know.
I want my STEMists around campus to know that there is a place to come air out all their STEMmy woes and get a hug, encouraging words and help on their path. Visitc @pickstem on Twitter and Instagram.