Taught by Perilou Goddard
Critical examination of historic and contemporary drug policies in the U.S. and other countries. Political, economic, social, and psychological effects of drug policies, with emphasis on empirical evidence regarding the relative effectiveness of the policies. Policies regarding both legal and illegal drugs are included.
- Professor Perilou Goddard
Quotes from various PSY 420 students
"Through the MSPP I learned just how important it is to meet people where they are. It’s easy to say that people just need to quit drugs without even thinking of the other things that could be happening in their lives that drive them to drugs. It made me realize that the best thing that we can do for people with substance used disorders is to prevent further harm, such as HIV, until they are ready for the next steps."
"I realized how hard it can be to get people to trust that you are there and willing to help them. Caracole does such a good job at that, making sure people feel like people and feel safe and just all in all cared for."
"My attitude towards people with substance use disorder has changed. I didn’t realize all of the challenges that people with substance use disorder face. I definitely have more sympathy for people struggling with substance use disorder."
"I learned that providing harm reduction services to people with substance use disorders makes those people more receptive to getting treatment. I learned that meeting people where they are and treating them like worthy humans can really make a difference in how people accept treatment and other assistance."
"The biggest thing I learned about providing harm reduction services to people with substance use disorders is how important building rapport is. These people face so much stigma and are so used to people treating them as less than human that sometimes they won’t take advantage of services because they are afraid of the worker passing judgment on them. Caracole treats these people as human beings, and this rapport goes a long way in getting people to come back and continue to take advantage of programs like the needle exchange program."
Remarks from the nonprofit:
"It has been a real pleasure getting to speak with your students. It's really comforting to know that young people are so eager to learn about harm reduction."
Caracole is Greater Cincinnati tristate region's nonprofit AIDS Service Organization, devoted to positively changing lives in the fight against HIV/AIDS.
Founded in 1987, we started as a small, non-medical hospice for people dying of AIDS. Today, while treatment and prevention are available, the HIV epidemic has not gone away. It remains a significant humanitarian, public health and economic issue.
Today, Caracole works to end HIV/AIDS by providing:
Prevention: preventing the spread of HIV through community outreach, education, HIV/HCV testing, PrEP assistance, safer sex, safer injection and overdose prevention supplies, syringe services and treatment referrals
Housing: offering a variety of permanent housing support to prevent homelessness and to stabilize individuals and families living with HIV
Care: helping individuals living with HIV access the health care they need through medical case management and pharmacy services.