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Mural depicting woman reading to students.
Speaker giving a presentation in Griffin Hall
Painters working on mural.
Line of volunteers working outdoors on excavation project.
A mural depicting graduates


John Maclean Signs his book Home Waters
 Journalist and author, John Maclean, signs copies of his book "Home Waters" at the Cincinnati Art Museum
NKU Dance Troupe at Home Waters Event
Esperanza Latino Center recieves Mayerson Award
Esperanza Latino Center received an award at the Fall 2022 Mayerson Student Philanthropy Celebration
Mayerson student giving a presentation.
NKU Dancers at the Home Waters Event - Fly Fisher
NKU Dance Troupe takes final bow at Home Waters event
Fall 2022 Mayerson Celebration
Students in Dr. Junko Agnew's Japanese Drama course enjoy the Fall 2022 Mayerson Student Philanthropy Celebration
Speaker Donna Mayerson giving closing remarks at Scripps Howard Center presentation.
NKU Dancers at Home Waters
John Maclean presents Home Waters
KIN 498 Awards Life Learning Center at Mayerson Celebration
Research, Trends, Issues Exercise Science course awards the Lifelong Learning Center at the Fall 2022 Mayerson Celebration
Students holding a large check from donor.
Mural that resembles the painting "The Creation of Adam", with God instead holding a book.
Tracey Bonner giving presentation at Union terminal
Volunteers handing out shirts to students standing in a line outside the SU ballroom.
Dreamfest 2022 presentation at Planetarium
Volunteers installing a mural in Newport, KY
Dreamfest 2022 presentation at Planetarium


Mural depicting woman reading to students.
Speaker giving a presentation in Griffin Hall
Painters working on mural.
Line of volunteers working outdoors on excavation project.
A mural depicting graduates
Art students replicating a work by Michelangelo
People posing with large donors check.
Group posing with large donors check.
Person assembling a broken pot back together.
Dance presentation at Union terminal.


Painters working on wall mural.
Painters posing next to their wall mural
Mural of a valley that's titled "The Rich History of Newport"
Painted mural depicting graduating students.
Close up of the outline of a mural.
Partially painted mural.
Person wearing NKU polo, reading book to small child.
Volunteer painting mural outside.
Kristine Yohe speaking at the Mercantile Library
Kristine Yohe speaking in front of a group at the Mercantile Library


Group of outdoor volunteers posing together
Presenter at Mayerson event handing certificate to winner.
Group of students giving a "strategies of persuasion" presentation
Students giving a dance presentation.
Person giving a presentation at SixAtSix
Person assisting child in a wheelchair pet a horse.
Students sitting at a table with the Rosie Red mascot.
Associated Press presentation at NKU
Speaker at podium during the Mayerson grant presentation.


Volunteers shoveling dirt
Person giving a presentation inside classroom.
Group of students giving a "strategies of persuasion" presentation
Student petting a greyhound dog in classroom.