Center for Student Engagement
Student Union, Suite 316
(859) 572-6514
Northern Kentucky University Student Leaders,
The Center for Student Engagement would like to welcome you to the 2021-2022 Academic Year. Your involvement in student organizations is critical to your collegiate experience and the greater Norse Community!
Our office is committed to you and your organization's success as you play a monumental role in creating a sense of belonging here at Northern Kentucky University. This handbook provides the foundation to collaborate and work towards these goals together. It will provide you and your organization with the tools and resources to navigate your way through NKU.
Please feel free to connect with us through social media or visit us in person. Our social media handles are below and our office is in the James and Rachel Votruba Student Union, Suite 316. Our office is open Monday thru Friday from 8:15a - 4:30p, except for university holidays, events, and closings. You can also reach us at (859) 572-6514 or
Norse Up!
The Center for Student Engagement classifies its organizations into 9 distinct areas of engagement as listed below. Some organizations may represent multiple areas.
Other classifications outside the 9 Areas of Engagement are as follows:
Student Organizations are required to renew their student organization status each academic year. Below are the steps outlining the organization renewal process.
Additionally, all registered student organization are expected to adhere to the following:
It is the position of the Center for Student Engagement of Northern Kentucky University that all student organizations support the interest of the University by:
Because the Center for Student Engagement supports the aforementioned position, the following privileges are conferred on all Registered Student Organizations in good standing:
The Center for Student Engagement further believes that part of the developmental process includes holding our registered student organizations and their membership accountable if they fail to meet the responsibilities outlined below:
Each organization is required to produce a constitution and by-laws, and submit one copy to the Student Engagement office upon registration or renewal. When changes are made to the constitution and/or by-laws a new copy must be submitted to Student Engagement. The following are standard considerations when compiling a constitution:
A good constitution establishes structure and purpose of the group; creates methods for selecting officers; and designates powers and responsibilities to those members and officers. A constitution template will be provided by the Center for Student Engagement for all new student organizations. Established organizations may be subjected to constitution reviews periodically to ensure the information is up to date.
The privileges conferred through registration may be withdrawn for cause which may include:
A warning given by the Center for Student Engagement is a notice to the group that they will be placed on probationary status if specified obligations are not met within a designated period of time.
The Center for Student Engagement may put a registered student organization on probation which means, loss of any or all privileges of registered student organizations. Probation must be for a specific duration at which time status can be reviewed. During the probationary period any violation of University policy may lead to immediate suspension.
Suspension shall involve permanent, complete withdrawal of all privileges and rights of the student organization. In addition, no suspended student organization may use or rent NKU facilities as a non-University group. In order to regain registration privileges, the student organization must register as a new forming group during a regular registration period in the following academic year. The Office of Student Conduct, Rights, and Advocacy, the organizations national organization, or the Center for Student Engagement can initiate the above actions.
The Center for Student Engagement or Student Conduct, Rights, and Advocacy will communicate all decisions regarding the status of a student organization in writing with a carbon copy to the advisor.
To ensure that all student organizations and their membership are held to the same standards, a process has been designed to review allegations of misconduct involving the willful or negligent violation of University, state or federal standards, codes or policies. The Office of Student Conduct, Rights, and Advocacy will review all allegations of misconduct that an observer would associate with a specific student organization that may bring disfavor upon the University. In addition, individual members of the organization may be subject to Disciplinary Action as outlined in the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities.
Students and student organizations have a right to appeal sanctions pursuant to the procedures set forth in the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities. In order for any appeal to be considered, the student must submit all necessary documentation, including written arguments when appropriate, to the Office of Student Conduct, Rights, and Advocacy within ten (10) working days of receipt of notice of sanctions. An appeal is not simply a rehearing of the original case, but a review of the official record and the written statement of appeal provided by the student.
All registered students organizations are expected to comply with the Northern Kentucky University Alcohol Policy.
Below are some selected parts of the Alcohol Policy but this is not an all-inclusive list. To be certain that your organization is in compliance review the policy in its entirety.
Regulations Concerning Alcoholic Beverages
Alcohol at Events
If your organization is planning at event where alcohol may be served, please review the policy in its entirety. Additionally, the Alcohol Beverage Event Form must be submitted at least two weeks prior to the event.
Policy Violations
Possible penalties for violations of these regulations include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following:
In addition to 1. and 2. above, students and/or student organizations may be subject to these penalties:
Student organizations shall designate one person, perhaps an officer of that organization, to assume responsibility for assuring that there is knowledge of and compliance with these alcohol policies. It is recommended that this person participate in a special educational program offered by the Dean of Students.
All registered students organizations are expected to comply with the Northern Kentucky University Anti-Hazing Policy.
Prohibition of Hazing
In accordance with Kentucky Revised (KRS) 164.375, Northern Kentucky University prohibits any action or situation that recklessly or intentionally endangers mental or physical health or involves the forced consumption of liquor or drugs for the purpose of initiation into or affiliation with any organization. Penalties for violation of the hazing policy shall include but are not limited to:
Hazing under the statute means any intentional, knowing, or reckless act occurring on or off the campus of an educational institution, by one (1) person alone or acting with others, directed against a student, that endangers the mental or physical health or safety of a student for the purpose of pledging, being initiated into, affiliating with, holding office in, or maintaining membership in any organization whose members are, or include, students in an educational institution. The term hazing under the statute includes but is not limited to offenses that subject the student to an unreasonable risk or harm or that adversely affect the mental or physical health or safety of the student.
Individuals within the organizations, as well as the organization itself, may be found in violation. Investigations and/or sanctioning of individual hazing offenses will be conducted in collaboration with the Office of Student Conduct, Rights, and Advocacy. Individuals who have firsthand knowledge of hazing, including those being hazed, are required to report that knowledge to appropriate University officials. Any student who has been hazed or thinks they are going to be hazed should report such actions to the Center for Student Engagement, Office of Student Conduct, Rights, and Advocacy or the Vice President for Student Affairs.
Subtle Hazing
Actions that are against accepted organization standards of conduct, behavior and good tastes. An activity or attitude directed toward a prospective member or member or an act which ridicules, humiliates or embarrasses. Examples include:
Harassment Hazing
Anything that causes mental or physical discomfort to the prospective member or members. Any activity directed toward a prospective member or activity which confuses, frustrates or causes undue stress. Examples include:
Violent Hazing
Anything that causes physical and/or emotional harm. Examples include:
To insure the orderly functioning of the University and to permit Registered Student Organizations or University departments an opportunity to supplement their allocated resources, Northern Kentucky University permits only these organizations and departments to engage in sales and/or solicitation as a part of their legitimate service and educational activities. Any registered student organization sponsoring a vendor on campus (jewelry, books, tye dye, etc.), MUST reserve their date on the Presence Community Calendar. The Center for Student Engagement will approve the request and contact the Registered Student Organization. The location for the vendor MUST be reserved through the online scheduling system by the registered student organizations on campus advisor.
Student Organization that will be selling any item must complete the Sales and Solicitation Form available on Presence.
Facility reservations are an extremely important service of the Student Union/University Center. In order to accommodate groups requesting to use the Student Union/University Center facilities, it is important for everyone to fully cooperate with the reservation policy. Every effort will be made by Student Union staff to honor all requests. Please refer to the complete listing of Student Union/University Center Reservations Procedures and Policies.
For Student Union/University Center room reservations please refer to the information on the website. Student Organizations must have the on-campus organization advisor submit room reservation requests on-line for all buildings through the on-line scheduler: Room Request website
If the Student Organization on campus advisor is not available to submit a room reservation, the Student Organization may request assistance from the Student Engagement staff.
Registered student organizations with the Center for Student Engagement and University departments of Northern Kentucky University are eligible to post materials on campus. Posting must follow the Poster Policy which can be found on the Student Union website.
Registered student organizations may also advertise by chalking walkways. The University Chalking Policy should be reviewed prior to chalking on sidewalks or walkways.
This policy applies to any individual or organization not otherwise recognized as a Northern Kentucky University Operations and Maintenance, commercial establishment, educational/scientific laboratory or clinic that is involved with the use of open flame to accomplish work assignments and procedures.
The burning of candles, sparklers, incense, paper leaflets, combustible figurines, pyrotechnic device, or any other combustible material is prohibited on university property. Any fire caused by the unauthorized use of open flames will be considered arson.
There are exceptions to the policy, however they are not to be considered automatic or preapproved exemptions from compliance with this policy. They can be found on the NKU Policy website or by contacting the Center for Student Engagement. The department responsible for an event which includes an activity to which this policy applies shall request approval from Safety and
Environmental Compliance for an exception as defined above. The Department shall seek and must receive approval prior to each event for which the exception is required. An activity scheduled for several consecutive days or times shall be considered as one event, however an inspection may be required prior to each day or time of the event.
Please review the Open Flame Policy for more information.
Discrepencies between the policy summary listed on this site and the published policy will always defer to the official policy. The Center for Student Engagement is not responsible for changed, missing, or incorrect information listed on this site. It is the responsibility of the student(s) and organization to review and understand the published university policy.
Northern Kentucky University recognizes and confirms the right of all members of the University community to free expression, assembly, and advocacy. To facilitate the effective use and enjoyment of the facilities of the campus for the exercise of such rights and to minimize conflict between the form of their exercise and the rights of others in the effective use of University facilities, the following regulations are herewith established:
Northern Kentucky University believes that student organizations play a vital role in every student's education. Therefore, every student shall have the right to participate in the student organization of his or her choice regardless of age, race, color, religion, sex (including sexual harassment and sexual violence), sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, ethnic origin, disability, genetic information, veteran status and any other basis protected by law.
Northern Kentucky University encourages students to join and actively participate in all registered student organizations. Additionally, NKU encourages students to recruit new members for their organizations and to create new organizations when needs are not met by existing groups.
A criterion for registration as an organization on NKU's campus is the requirement that the organization shall have a policy that every student shall have the right to actively participate in that student organization regardless of age, race, color, religion, sex (including sexual harassment and sexual violence), sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, ethnic origin, disability, genetic information, veteran status and any other basis protected by law. and shall have equal opportunities for membership in all registered student organizations.
The exception shall be the recognized social fraternities and sororities whose right to remain single sex organizations is guaranteed under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. Every other provision of this statement applies to those organizations as it does to all student organizations.
Therefore, no student organization shall refuse membership to a student on the basis of age, race, color, religion, sex (including sexual harassment and sexual violence), sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, ethnic origin, disability, genetic information, veteran status and any other basis protected by law. Nor shall any student organization discharge a member without just cause or otherwise illegally discriminate against that person with respect to privileges and promotions within that student organization.
Furthermore, no student organization shall limit or classify its members on the basis of age, race, color, religion, sex (including sexual harassment and sexual violence), sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, ethnic origin, disability, genetic information, veteran status and any other basis protected by law.
No student organization shall have any subordinate members or subordinate organizations affiliated with it that are discriminatory on the basis of age, race, color, religion, sex (including sexual harassment and sexual violence), sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, ethnic origin, disability, genetic information, veteran status and any other basis protected by law. Every member of every organization shall be a full member entitled to all of the rights and privileges of said membership. Those organizations with an initiation period for new members must have this initiation period approved by the University. The existence of said initiation period and organizational policy and procedures must not violate any University policy.
Further, no student organization shall print, publish, cause to be printed or published any material that is discriminatory on the basis of age, race, color, religion, sex (including sexual harassment and sexual violence), sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, ethnic origin, disability, genetic information, veteran status and any other basis protected by law.
Nor shall any student organization conduct any activities that tend to harass, embarrass or generally disturb any person on the basis of age, race, color, religion, sex (including sexual harassment and sexual violence), sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, ethnic origin, disability, genetic information, veteran status and any other basis protected by law.
Any violation of this statement by any student organization shall result in disciplinary action. Students may file a complaint with the Office of Student Conduct, Rights. Penalties for violations of this policy may result in suspension or probation of the organization and loss of privileges associated with registered student organizations.
Section 110 of the 1984 Copyright Act does provide a specific exemption to the licensing of what is clearly a public performance - "Face-to-face teaching." To qualify for the exemption, the showing must occur in a face-to-face teaching situation at a non-profit educational institution and you must be able to answer YES to of the following seven criteria:
**If you have answered NO to any of the seven criteria, you do NOT qualify for an exemption. You must obtain a public performance license.
Registered Student Organizations may show films on campus as long as they are purchased through a movie licensing company. The cost usually starts at $250 and goes up, depending on the studio, title and event date. Prices fluctuate on a weekly basis. For more information contact one of the movie licensing companies listed below:
Please be advised that the Center for Student Engagement encourages and expects compliance by registered student organizations with the following guidelines. The ability of a registered organization to sponsor an event and the continued registration of the organization by the University will be contingent on compliance.
If you answered yes to any of these questions, then your organization may be held accountable for behavior that occurs at this event.
Northern Kentucky University has contracted with Chartwells the exclusive agent to purchase, prepare, and sell food, food products, and non-alcoholic beverages on its campus in Highland Heights, Kentucky, except as mutually agreed upon by NKU and the food service company.
Stipulations for registered student organizations include the following:
Chartwells is the sole food service operation at Northern Kentucky University. By contracted agreement with the University, they are the only agents through which any organization may negotiate and determine any food services for any event on campus.
Student organizations are responsible for payment for any services contracted with Chartwells. Should the student organization cancel an event, remember it is the responsibility of the student organization in canceling the food service - otherwise the student organization will be liable for payment. Always follow through with the details.
The campus dining contractor, Chartwells, has exclusive rights to provide food serves and catering on campus for Northern Kentucky University. If student organizations would prefer not to use Chartwells for small food orders in university buildings (under $250) and bring food and supplies from off-campus, they must receive approval 10 business days in advance of the scheduled event.
Policy Details:
The form located at the following link needs to be completed and approved 10 days prior to the event. Within five (5) days of the event an itemized receipt must be sent to Groups that exceed the $250 amount or bring in unauthorized food will lose their privileges.
All Club Sports must register with the Center for Student Engagement as a Registered Student Organization and are bound by the same requirements as all other registered student organizations. Additionally, Club Sport designation is granted through Campus Recreation and additional registration requirements will apply. Please review Sport Club Manual below. Sport Clubs are required to attend a Student Organization Orientation and Sport Club Orientation meeting every year to be in compliance with registration requirements.
Please review the Sports Club Manual on the Campus Recreation website.
Off Campus Bank Accounts
Note Regarding Off Campus Bank Accounts: Recognized student organizations may wish to open off-campus bank accounts. Advisors are strongly cautioned not to allow student organizations to use advisor social security numbers to establish those accounts or to identify advisors as authorized owners, holders, or signers on those accounts. NKU will not be responsible for financial losses arising from mismanagement, errors, or other acts or mistakes related to a student organization's off-campus bank accounts, and an advisor that is named as an account owner, holder, or signer may be personally liable for such losses.
Registered Student Organizations may choose to obtain a bank account through a banking entity not associated with the University. The President and Executive Board should be the primary responsible parties for the organization. In order to establish a bank account, your organization will need an Employer Identification Number (EIN). An EIN is a nine-digit number the IRS assigns in the following format XX-XXXXXXX. It is used to identify the tax accounts of employers and certain others who have no employees. Student Organizations affiliated with a national organization (national honor society, fraternity, etc.) can use the national EIN number if the national office allows.
The Internet EIN application is the preferred method to apply for and obtain an EIN. Once the application is completed, the information is validated during the on-line session, and an EIN is issued immediately. The person completing the form must have a valid Taxpayer Identification Number (social security number, EIN, or individual Taxpayer Identification Number) in order to use the online application. Taxpayers can obtain an EIN immediately by calling the Business and Specialty Tax Line at (800) 829-4933 or online at:
Student organizations opening off-campus bank accounts may not use NKU's EIN to do so. NKU is not responsible for management, supervision, and usage of off-campus bank accounts opened by student organizations, and NKU will not be responsible or liable for financial losses arising from mismanagement, errors, or other acts or mistakes related to off-campus bank accounts.
Agency Accounts
If your organization would like to have a campus based account, your organization advisor must contact Accounts Payable to set up what is referred to as an Agency Account. This is a non- interest-bearing account and does not come with checks or the conveniences associated with a private bank account. Your organization advisor will be required to maintain the records for the account and initiate all transactions and requests for check actions. If your advisor has questions about this, please contact Accounts Payable at 859-572-5261 for further information.
Student Organization Grants
Registered student organizations may request funds through the Legacy Travel Grant, Operational Assistance Grant and Programming and Activities Grant through the Funding Board. The guidelines for each fund shall be set by the Center for Student Engagement for each academic year. Please consult Presence for the guidelines and procedures to request funding.
Contact the Center for Student Engagement with any questions.
The following are resources available to active registered student organizations. This list is not comprehensive and information is subject to change.
Bulk Mail Service
When sending 300 or more pieces of mail at one time, it is possible to save money by following the guidelines for bulk mail as provided by University Mail Service. Please contact mailing services located in the Landrum Annex 100 for assistance or call 859- 572-5211.
Campus Recreation
The Campus Recreation Center is a great place for a wide variety of events. All reservation requests must be submitted 14 days prior to your desired event date. Please consult our reservation policies for a full list of guidelines. Please refer to for policies and details.
Copy/Printing Services
Registered student organizations may utilize the services of the University's Copy/Printing Services department. Student organizations must submit their copy/print job to the Student Engagement Office who will work with the Copy/Printing Services. All payments must be made to the Student Engagement Office within two weeks of receipt of job.
Registered student organizations may use campus facilities. Reservations must be done on-line by the on-campus advisor at:
The Leader's Link
The Center for Student Engagement generates the Leader's Link. An electronic news letter to keep all NKU students informed of upcoming campus events, deadlines and other information students need to know. The newsletter is sent out weekly to all officers and advisors. To have your student organization event or information appear in the Leader's Link, send your announcement to by noon on each Thursday to appear in that week's edition of the news service. All information must be pertinent or open to all students. Your message must be limited to 100 words and should be typed into the body of the email. The subject should indicate the title of the activity. Do not format the info with bullets or any unusual fonts. Do not send attachments or graphics. Your contact information should be included in the email. Repeat messages will only be run as space is available. If the message does not meet these standards it may be discarded without notification.
Media Services
Registered student organizations may request assistance with IT and technology needs through the Student Union/University Center staff, the on-line room reservation process and/or by submitting an on-line request at
Student Organization Mail and Mailboxes
The Center for Student Engagement provides mailboxes to Registered Student Organizations at no charge to the organization, upon registration of the organization and on a first come, first serve basis. The President of the organization will receive written notification of the mailbox number.
The mailboxes are located on the third floor of the Student Union outside Suite 316, The Center for Student Engagement. It is the responsibility of the student organization to check the mailbox weekly. Mailbox privileges will be revoked if mail is left to accumulate.
The student organization may use these mailboxes to send notices to other student organizations by bringing the information that is to be distributed to the Center for Student Engagement, SU 316 during normal working hours.
Student Organization Addresses
A student organization address is NOT to include Northern Kentucky University as an affiliate. Each organization is its own entity. Always use the student organization name that is used when registering on Presence.
An example of an address to use is:
Order of Omega
c/o Center for Student Engagement
Nunn Dr., Student Union Suite 316
Highland Heights, KY 41099
The address should not be listed as:
Order of Omega of Northern Kentucky University
Box 1234
c/o Student Engagement, Student Union Suite 316
Highland Heights, KY 41099
Website & Email Accounts
The Center for Student Engagement encourages all registered student organizations to utilize the Presence system to build an organization website. Each Organization will receive a standard website option as a part of the Organization Portal. Student organizations may create additional websites and link them to the Presence Portal.
Faculty/Staff Advisors provide a vital link between students, their organizations, and the University. Their relationship often bridges the between classroom and out of class activities. All Registered Student Organizations are required to have a faculty/staff advisor to serve as a link to the University and assist the student organization in completing their business within the regulations of the University. Given the role of the governing councils, alumni boards, and national headquarters, Fraternity and Sorority Life organizations (IFC, NPC, NPHC, and MGC) are not required, but are encouraged, to have a faculty/staff advisor associated with the University. Questions regarding this exception should be directed to the Center for Student Engagement.
The specific duties of the advisor shall be determined and agreed upon by the individual advisor and the organization's leadership. As a general rule, advisors should be familiar with the student organization's program and should counsel the student organization in the exercise of responsibility.
Advisor's Responsibilities
Organization Operations
Academic Guidance & Support
Campus Visibility
While travel experiences offer valuable learning opportunities, they also present potential risks and safety concerns. These guidelines have been adopted to address these potential risks, increase safety, and set forth a consistent set of standards to be followed in connection with Northern Kentucky University sponsored activities and events involving student organization travel.
Any student (s) and/or student organization(s) who are traveling on a university sponsored trip must follow the Center for Student Engagement Travel Guidelines which can be found on Campusgroups.