NKU Garden - FULL
Asbury Garden - FULL
Hilltop Garden - OPEN
The NKU community garden can be found behind the historic log cabin on Nunn Drive next to the NKU police station. This garden is one of three community gardens in Highland Heights (see details of each garden below).
The purpose of this project is to offer a network of community gardens to students, faculty, staff, and community members. This service provides an opportunity for anyone to grow their own organic produce free of charge.
Please click "Adopt a Plot" below to find information about how to apply.
This project was a collaborative effort. The department of Facilities Management worked with Chartwells (the on-campus food provider) as well as the local Extension Service and the two existing community gardens in the Highland Heights community.
To adopt a plot, take the following steps:
Asbury United Methodist Church - this 20-plot garden is located just off Johns Hill Road and behind Asbury church. Garden lead is Stephanie Campbell.
Hilltop Garden - This garden is located on Hilltop Rd., off John's Hill Road. This garden is new and the estimated amount of plots will be 25. Garden co-leads are Gary Chinn, garychinn2@gmail.com, and Janet Forbes, Janet.Forbes@cchmc.org
Northern Kentucky University - this 14-plot garden is located behind the historic log cabin north of Nunn Drive on the NKU campus. Parking for non-permit holding gardeners is available in designated spaces in Lot I. Water is provided on site as well as a small assortment of tools. Garden leader is Jim Nedderman, neddermanj1@nku.edu
How much of a time commitment is gardening?
The growing season lasts from approximately early May until late September. Planting, harvesting, and winterizing your garden will require the most amount of time; approximately 3 hours each. You will also be required to maintain your garden by weeding and watering throughout the growing season; this will take approximately 2 hours per week.
Who is eligible to adopt a garden plot?
All students, faculty, staff, and community members are eligible to apply for a garden plot.
Are garden plots free?
Yes, garden plots are completely free at all three garden sites.
How do I adopt a garden plot?
To adopt a plot at any of the three community gardens, email Tiffany Budd.
How big is a garden plot?
The garden plots at NKU and Hilltop are of varying sizes. Asbury plots are standard sizes at 10 x 10 each.
How many garden plots are there?
There are three community gardens in Highland Heights. The NKU garden has 14 plots, the Highland Heights garden has 25 plots, and the Asbury garden has 20 plots.
May I reserve more than one garden plot?
If you are first-time gardener, you may reserve one plot for one growing season. If you have gardened at one of these sites previously and are in good standing, you may reserve up to 3 plots. You can elect to be placed on the waitlist for additional plots (max 3) if plots are forfeited by other gardeners.
How can I guarantee that I get the plot I want?
First priority of garden plot reservations will go to renewing gardeners. New plots are reserved on a first come, first serve basis. To guarantee a plot, fill out an application early and maintain your garden plot throughout the growing season. If you have a garden site preference (not necessarily a plot preference), you can designate your preference on your application.
What will happen if I don't maintain my garden plot?
Gardeners who break the Community Garden Contract, abandon their plots, or let their plots become unruly will receive a one week warning to fix it. If unheeded, a second notice results in the forfeit of the plot. Forfeited plots will be offered to gardeners on the waitlist.
I don't have any tools and/or I can't afford them.
A small selection of tools is available to gardeners at the gardens.