Register for the Fall 2025 section!
CEP 101 is a two-credit, 7-week elective class designed to help you choose your major or determine your career path. By taking this course, you learn about your unique interests, skills, and values. You also explore career and major options and strengthen your decision-making processes.
Fall 2025 section:
If you are undecided about your major and/or what career to choose, our career advisors can help you assess and clarify your interests, skills, work values, personality characteristics, and life goals. They also can direct you to a broad range of printed and electronic resources available in our Career Library and on our website to research information about specific careers. You can find information about work content, necessary skills and qualities, salaries, employment outlook, and training that may be needed for different fields.
Some resources Career Services offers to assist you with career exploration include:
Once you have researched career options through printed and online resources, you should continue to explore by talking to people currently working in your field(s) of interest. Two ways of doing this are through informational meetings or interviews and by job shadowing. Career advisors can assist you in identifying contacts through your networks and providing guidelines for informational meetings and job shadowing.
Another way to explore career options is through co-ops and internships. These opportunities allow you to apply classroom knowledge, build and add to your skill base, and gain work experience in your field of study. The experience will help you “test the waters” for a particular occupation and give you a competitive edge when seeking full-time employment after graduation. Our career advisors can help you identify co-op and internship positions and assist you with developing the job-search skills you need to secure them. Workshops on finding co-ops and internships are offered each semester. Click the “Co-ops/Internships” link on the left menu for more details.
By the time you reach your senior year, you will have already made many choices: your academic major(s), minor(s), career goals, and employment targets. Career Services will assist you in translating those choices into full-time professional employment after graduation. Click the “Job-Search Resources” link on the left menu for more information.
Graduate and professional school may be required for some students to obtain their career goals. Our career advisors are available to assist students with the components of the application process. A Graduate School Planning Guide is available in the office and on our website. A workshop on planning for graduate school is presented each semester in partnership with the Office of Graduate Programs. Click the “Graduate School Planning” link on the left menu for more details on the various aspects of the graduate school application process.
View short career video clips to begin exploring careers (8,000+ videos). Watch interviews of people actually doing the careers you may like!