Taught by Axel Brandt
Appreciation of mathematical ideas applied to problems from the real world; scheduling, voting schemes, apportionment, descriptive statistics, shape and symmetry, fractals, and population growth. For students of the liberal arts.
- Professor Axel Brandt
Remarks from Austin Schiff, Vice President of Revenue Development:
"The funding will be applied to one of our clubs to run academic programming, which serves 120 kids a night... We will see students math & literacy scores increase by 80% through our graduate program."
To enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens.
Professor Brandt:
"Given limited bandwidth of many organizations that students reached out to, students were encouraged to schedule Zoom meetings and (in the event that was not possible) empowered to present on non-profits based on online research."