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Laptop and Cellphone Flexible Work
Northern Kentucky University's flexible work philosophy is to allow flexibility for our employees while still ensuring student success, creating a vibrant campus, and a sense of community where our students and employees thrive. 

Not all requests for a flexible work arrangement can be approved due to the nature of the job. Decisions should be based upon whether or not an employee’s responsibilities can be performed from a home or remote location and/or whether or not the employee’s job can be successfully performed with a different work schedule. Factors to consider: 

  • Student needs    
  • Needs of the department or unit  
  • Needs of the employee
  • Employee’s work duties and the ability to measure or assess work performed  
  • Availability of needed equipment     
  • Measurable objectives and results mutually agreed to by the employee and the supervisor

Examples of Flexible Work Arrangements

Flexible work arrangements do not have to look the same for every employee and department. There are a variety of different types of flexible work arrangements including:

Flexplace: An employee’s normal, off-campus work location.  The Flexplace arrangement allows employees to work from home or another remote location, for a specified number of hours per week, and/or a pre-determined duration.  

Flextime: Allows for flexible scheduling arrangements that permit variations in start and finish times but does not alter the total number of hours worked in a workweek. 


Employees requesting to have a flexible work arrangement must discuss the matter with their supervisor and propose a specific arrangement using the Flexible Work Arrangement Form and the Remote Work Tax form if applicable. The supervisor should then consult with the department head/dean prior to sending it to HR for final approval.