Not all requests for a flexible work arrangement can be approved due to the nature of the job. Decisions should be based upon whether or not an employee’s responsibilities can be performed from a home or remote location and/or whether or not the employee’s job can be successfully performed with a different work schedule. Factors to consider:
Examples of Flexible Work Arrangements
Flexible work arrangements do not have to look the same for every employee and department. There are a variety of different types of flexible work arrangements including:
Flexplace: An employee’s normal, off-campus work location. The Flexplace arrangement allows employees to work from home or another remote location, for a specified number of hours per week, and/or a pre-determined duration.
Flextime: Allows for flexible scheduling arrangements that permit variations in start and finish times but does not alter the total number of hours worked in a workweek.
Employees requesting to have a flexible work arrangement must discuss the matter with their supervisor and propose a specific arrangement using the Flexible Work Arrangement Form and the Remote Work Tax form if applicable. The supervisor should then consult with the department head/dean prior to sending it to HR for final approval.
Resources for Flexible Work Arrangements
For Managers: