If a hiring proposal was created within PeopleAdmin for the person, Human Resources will automatically send the new hire the needed paperwork, background check and I9. If a hiring proposal was not created through PeopleAdmin, hiring departments must send email to Ophelia Marks marks@nku.edu and Lauren Franzen franzenla@nku.edu providing the following information: the full name and email address of the new hire, whether they are faculty or staff, and residency (local or non-local). The new hire will be sent an email with a secure link and instructions on how to fill out and complete paperwork. HR has partnered with IT to create a secure transmissions process where new hires can upload documents to a secure site.
Please do not send new hire paperwork to the employee directly.
Electronic PAR Forms: Separation, Part Time Faculty, and Supplemental pay PAR forms will continue to be processed on a regular basis.
Paper PAR Forms: Paper PAR forms must now be filled out electronically as a PDF and routed through email for approval. Electronic signatures will be accepted on an interim basis.
Completed PAR forms should be sent to: Suzanne Kirst kirsts1@nku.edu. Please include in the subject line the Name of the Employee and Type of PAR form. Example: Status Change PAR for Chuck Norse.
Form I-9 requirements: Page one of the I-9 form will be sent to the new hire via email to complete electronically. Federal requirements state that employees must provide documentation to their employers to show their identity and authorization to work. New employees will bring in a US passport (which covers identity and work authorization) or their driver’s license and either birth certificate or social security card.
If the employee is physically located outside of the Greater Cincinnati Area and is unable to come to the NKU campus they will be given instructions for remote I9 verification.
Please contact HR if you have any questions.
Please be sure to have all staff double check that their time has been entered and approved, or they will have to wait until the next payroll to be paid. If you have any questions please reach out to: Payroll@nku.edu.