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This video is from a recent zoom information brief about the Veterans Resource Station (VRS) at Northern Kentucky University (NKU) to discuss what we currently offer, and future endeavors. This is an informational only please if any questions don't hesitate to reach out to the VRS at 859-572-7867, email - or come by University Center (UC) - 131.

How-To & NEWS Videos & Podcasts

What is the NEW Veteran Leadership Minor? 

NKU's new Veteran Leadership minor not only honors the dedication of our military and veteran students but also recognizes the immense value they bring to our campus community. Adding the minor to our academic catalog is designed to precisely identify and credit the valuable skills and experiences you gained in the military. All current and future students are eligible to pursue the Veteran Leadership Minor (ensure to schedule with Professor Richardson).  


HIGHLAND HEIGHTS, Ky. — Northern Kentucky University is enlisting faculty and staff into basic training in military understanding to ensure graduation rates for veterans and other military affiliated students rise.

“We have about 7% of our adult learner population that identify as military-affiliated,” said Sara Conwell, assistant director for Adult Learner Programs and Services at NKU.

See full story here

NKU program helping vets make transition ( 

Going from learning how to fire a military rifle to turning in an English paper can seem less meaningful, and certainly less exciting, by comparison. But that’s Nate Walther’s current reality, returning to NKU after basic training.“And I just arrived about three weeks ago. So I’m fresh out of it,” Walther said. “It’s really just to serve your country. It’s just a great opportunity.”A lot of things are different for Walther, a Villa Hills native, going into his sophomore year, especially in contrast to his recent experience.

Read the full article or watch the news story here

This video is from a recent zoom training to help you navigate the steps needed to get started using your VA GI Bill and/or Tuition Assistance at NKU. In addition, it will walk you through the procedures for NKU admissions, requesting your JST/CCAF, tuition and other tips. Of course, if any questions don't hesitate to reach out to the Veterans Resource Station at 859-572-7867, email - or come by University Center (UC) - 131.
This video is from a recent zoom training on the submission of the Semester Benefit Request Form for NKU military affiliate and veteran students using VA GI Bill benefits and/or tuition assistance. 
This video is a recording from a recent zoom training discussing common and uncommon VA benefits for military affiliate, veterans and their families. This is primarily for those in the NKY area, and does have a focus on additional Kentucky benefits and referrals. 
This video is from a recent zoom information brief about the Veterans Resource Station (VRS) at Northern Kentucky University (NKU) to discuss what we currently offer, and future endeavors. This is an informational only please if any questions don't hesitate to reach out to the VRS at 859-572-7867, email - or come by University Center (UC) - 131.