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To: Faculty, Staff, and Students
From: President Ashish Vaidya
Date: 12/11/21
Subject: Thoughts and Prayers for our Fellow Kentuckians

Dear Campus Community: I write on this Saturday afternoon to ask us to pause and remember our fellow Kentuckians and those in nearby states who were impacted by the tornados last night. The complete devastation of towns in Western Kentucky and the lives lost is heartbreaking, especially so close to the holidays. 

An event of this magnitude is being felt across the country and certainly will affect our campus community. Please know your Norse family is here to support you. Our students can reach to Health, Counseling, and Student Wellness by calling 572-5650 to talk with counselors and access support services. With finals week upon us, we recommend students experiencing such challenges submit a Community Care report. This will notify the NKU Student Conduct, Rights and Advocacy office and allows our staff to provide resources and support. The full range of resources available to our students can be found here. For our faculty and staff, University Wellness provides the Employee Assistance Program by Aetna with online resources and counselors available anytime. We also have a 24-hour crisis line at 859-572-7777, in addition to the national crisis line available at 1-800-784-2433 or by texting 741741. 

On Monday, we will begin finals week and conclude our fall semester. We know it can be difficult to focus on what needs to be done with so many lives in upheaval. I ask that you remember your commitment to your academic journey and please know NKU will be there to support you. Our thoughts and prayers go out to all those impacted by these devastating storms 


Ashish Vaidya