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NKU Testing Services is an authorized test center for Nocti Business Solutions. Nocti is committed to providing the tests and results reports that industry professionals need to succeed in their field, and this commitment has fueled their growth. While they now work with clients nationwide, Nocti still embrace a personable, hands-on approach to helping management, unions, and employees achieve their goals. 
Nocti Business Solutions
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Nocti Business Solutions provides companies with the tools to leverage performance and job skills assessments for candidates and existing employees. NBS delivers assessments that are certified by various partners across several different industries, including technology, home building, HVAC, manufacturing distribution, and more. Our partners are based upon federally-approved and industry-defined standards to provide workers the opportunity to demonstrate their skills. Through them, employees enjoy testing benefits such as a stable foundation for career growth, professional certifications, and specialized training.

Certifications can be a valuable career credential for individuals. Nocti Business Solutions is a regular provider of the assessments which have been developed by the following certifying bodies for the measurement of applicants’ standards-based knowledge and skills.

For more information about Certifications, please visit the Nocti Website

Prior Learning Assessments

Students can earn academic credit for demonstrating college-level knowledge and competencies outside of the postsecondary education. Nocti Business Solutions have collaborated with the National College Credit Recommendation Service (NCCRS) to have entry level battery of assessments reviewed and recommended for college credit. NCCRS utilized expert input from professors and industry leaders in their respective fields to review each assessment to determine its rigor. Nocti's PLAs can evaluate the learning and knowledge that you have acquired through previous experience outside of academic settings and determine your eligibility for credit recommendations. 


Order your Nocti Business Solutions Prior Learning Assessment

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Register to take your Nocti PLA at NKU Testing Services

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