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  • Deactivate Before You Delete

    Deactivate Before You Delete

    Did you know that you should be deactivate content in AEM before deleting them? [...]

  • Are you uploading your images correctly?

    Are you uploading your images correctly?

    Before a document or image can be used on a page, it first must be uploaded to the Assets folder. It is a repository for all images and documents that are used on the site. Each department/office will have their own folder in which to store their assets.

  • New Calendar Tool

    New Calendar Tool

    We have recently upgraded our calendar tool for the university website. Learn more about the features and how to submit your calendar entries.

  • The Importance of Being Accessible

    The Importance of Being Accessible

    Since the start of COVID-19, more people have gone virtual. Digital accessibility is more important than ever. Litigation rates on accessibility issues increased 23 percent in 2020. Learn more about this critical issue and resources to prevent lawsuits at NKU.

  • Slow Loading Images?

    Slow Loading Images?

    Images that are incorrectly added to the site can bog down site load times. This load time delay can annoy the user and can even cause Google to rank us lower in search! Here are some tricks to be sure we are presenting ourselves with swift returns and make you a rockstar web editor.

  • 5 Tips for Upping Your Web-Editing Game

    5 Tips for Upping Your Web-Editing Game

    If you're new to the web-editing process, don't worry. There are plenty of resources and strategies you can employ to ensure you're editing efficiently while maintaining your site. Here are five tips to enhance your skills.

  • What is Alt Text?

    What is Alt Text?

    Sighted users are most familiar with alt text as what appears in its place when images fail to load​ but for those with vision impairments​, it is the text read aloud by screen readers. Without alt text, the user could be missing important information from your page. It's ​crucial that all images used on your pages include this information. Provide clear, detailed descriptions – one succinct sentence illustrating what you want your audience to get from the image will help all page visitors [...]

  • The Great PDF Purge

    The Great PDF Purge

    Last October, NKU IT and Marketing & Communications initiated the ​inaugural "Great PDF Purge​." We appreciate your work during the event and want to remind you of the ever-growing importance that should be placed on these files. PDFs are often the hardest file type to remediate; please consider deleting outdated files. Our PDF Purge decision tree is a strong starting point your deletion efforts [...]

  • Preventing Dead Links

    Preventing Dead Links

    Did you know that broken links can adversely affect a site’s performance in Google search? Here's how to easily find, fix and prevent dead links in ​three easy steps [...]

  • Embed Videos in 2 Easy Steps

    Embed Videos in 2 Easy Steps

    Embedded videos increase engagement on your site and now NKU is making it easier to include them through the use the NKU Qualtrics Form component in your AEM tool. Simply follow the link below to learn a few settings and your videos will be responsive for mobile viewing [...]
