W-2 Online Selection Deadline - To receive a paperless W-2, select the online W-2 statement option through the myNKU Employee Self-Service portal no later than December 31st. You will be notified when W-2s are available.
Employees who have separated employment from Northern Kentucky University will have a W-2 paper form printed and mailed.
Related Links:
NKU has partnered with ADP to prepare the W-2 statements with either online access or printed copy distribution. To receive a paperless W2, select the online W-2 statement option through the myNKU Employee Self-Service portal no later than December 31st. You will be notified when W-2s are available.
Northern Kentucky University is required to issue W-2s to all NKU employees by January 31st for the previous calendar year. The IRS regulations require the University to provide specific information (see below) to employees regarding the election of receiving their W-2 electronically and to obtain consent from all employees who choose to receive their W-2 electronically.
For employees who wish to continue receiving W2 forms by mail only, they will choose "no" to "go paperless" in the On-line W2 Enrollment Instructions. They will have a paper W-2 form printed and mailed by ADP no later than January 31, to the employee’s mailing address on file in the SAP HR/Payroll system.
Employees who have separated employment from Northern Kentucky University will have a W-2 paper form printed and mailed.
Please note: Once you have enrolled to receive your W-2 online through myNKU Employee Self Service you do not need to enroll again. Your election will remain in effect for future years unless you change your election or separate employment from the University.
Electing to recieve your W-2s online is quick and easy. Just log in to myNKU and follow the steps below.
Step 1: log into MyNKU employee self-service tab, click on Employee Tab, scroll down to click on the W2 Forms (View & Elect) tile. You will then be redirected to the ADP website to follow additional prompts.
Once you have completed these steps, your W2 should automatically be available to view:
Just log in to myNKU and follow the steps below:
Click on the Employee Self-Service tab, then select the "My Forms" tile.
Select the year you would like to view (click on the line). Most employees will receive multiple pages because NKU's W-2s only allow one state and one local to be listed per W-2.
Your W2 will appear as a PDF so you can view, save or print.
Note: The online W2 does not include the instructions that are included on the back of the traditional W2.
If you have questions, please contact the Payroll Office at 859-572-6326.