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Prior to destroying university records, a Records Destruction Certificate form must be completed by the records custodian and approved by the University Records Officer. This form provides proof that documents were legally destroyed as required by law. The University Records Officer files a copy with the state and maintains a record copy for the university. 

Procedures for Destroying University Records

  1. Before destroying any records, use the State University Model Records Retention Schedule to locate the applicable record series and retention requirement, verifying that the records are eligible for destruction. If, after searching the schedule, you cannot locate or identify the correct record series for your records, please contact Records and Information Management for further assistance.
  2. Complete the Records Destruction Certificate form. Download the fillable PDF and open with Adobe Reader. Fill out the form, using the retention schedule information to help complete the record series number, title, dates, format, volume and destruction method. A University Records Officer's approval is required before any employee, administrator, faculty or staff, destroy university records or information.
  3. Print a copy of the completed form, date and sign as records custodian. Maintain a copy for your records.
  4. Send the completed, signed physical copy to: Vicki Cooper, Records and Information Management, SL106B.
  5. After the form is approved, Records and Information Management will notify you that the records may be destroyed. If needed, submit a service request for the recycling team to pick up the records for shredding.

Contact Vicki Cooper if you have any questions.
