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5 new databases now accessible through Steely Library 

August 11, 2021
Steely advances NKU's research and teaching opportunities through increased access to the world's cultural and social science information.   
Students smiling while sitting down around a laptop

The curious minds of NKU are now free to explore the vast depths of database giants ArtStor, Theater and Drama Premium, Food Studies Online, Data Planet, and EStatement Studies by The Risk Management Association. Each database offers a unique set of digital resources inaccessible through common free search engine services.  

ArtStor:A curated image database of over 2 million images from 300 of the world's leading museums, photo archives, scholars, and artists. Collections cover photojournalism, indigenous cultures, architecture, history, religion, literature, and more. Unlike image results from other search engines, ArtStor only provides the highest quality of images available, along with contextual insight from the collection catalogers, curators, institutions, and artists themselves. Through ArtStor, NKU students and instructors can create instant PowerPoint presentations with up to 150 fully cited images at one time with group image downloads.   

Data Planet: The largest single repository of harmonized and structured statistical data available to libraries. Data Planet provides access to more than 13.5 billion datasets from over 90 validated sources. Users can compare and contrast multiple indicators from multiple sources, chart trends over time, and create customized views in tables, maps, rankings, and charts.  

EStatement Studies (RMA): The online version of RMA's Annual Statement Studies. The database uses over 22 years of historical data from financial institutions' borrowers and prospects' financial statements to provide composite performance metrics and reports. EStatement Studies includes financial ratio benchmarks on over 700 industries, industry default probabilities, and cash flow measures.  

Food Studies Online: A collection of videos, archival materials, and texts that illustrate the social, historical, economic, cultural, religious, and political implications of the food we eat. The database contains over 100,000 pages of primary archival materials, images, and secondary works, including over 100 hours of documentaries and series. Texts cover major topics relevant to food movements, agriculture, food security, food in zones of conflict, supply chains, and food law. Documentaries address contemporary food issues like organic farming, pesticide use, the slow food movement, fair trade, food security and showcases television and print marketing efforts of the world's largest food and beverage brands throughout history. In addition, the database features gastronomical content like recipe books, cooking videos, and how-to guides that show how people grow, cook, and eat food around the world. 

Theatre and Drama Premium:An exclusive digital collection of videos, interviews, and texts concerning theatre and drama. The database provides access to over 13,500 full-text plays, 300 audio plays from L.A. Theatre Works, filmed stage performances, documentaries, interviews, contextualizing materials (designs, reference, and ephemera) including recent Broadway productions, and previously unpublished plays. Popular featured content includes works from The National Theatre Collection and The Royal Shakespeare Company Collection, along with an intimate look into key writers, creators, performers, and works by and about often overlooked groups, including African Americans, women, and a range of world cultures.  

Upgrade your research experience with Steely's databases today.  

Steely thanks the Collections & Discovery Services Department for their continued dedication to enhancing the quality and quantity of resources we provide our community.   

