The Foundation Directory Online: The Foundation Center’s research database to help nonprofits find information on grant makers and their funding activities worldwide. It covers over 240,000 foundations, corporations, and federal agencies.
Global Issues Library: Indexes key current and historical issues affecting the world, and humanity. The collection includes deep primary sources, essays, case studies, commentary, documentaries and historical news footage.
O’Reilly for Higher Education: A collection of full-text books and other resources specializing in computer programming and information technology. The database includes more than 45,000 book titles, plus 30,000+ hours of video, learning paths, case studies, certification prep materials, interactive tutorials, audio books, and more.
Oxford Scholarly Editions Online (OSEO): A rich collection of primary material that ranges across a wide variety of subject areas, including philosophy, literature, and drama. Provides full-text access to over 1,600 editions covering 1,200 years of history.
PsychiatryOnline: Provides select books, journals, and multimedia on psychiatry, mental health and behavioral science from American Psychiatric Association Publishing. Includes American Journal of Psychiatry and the most recent edition of the DSM, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.
UpToDate: UpToDate is an online, evidence-based, clinical decision support tool with topic reviews covering medical symptoms, tests and diagnosis, and treatment options for over 10,000 conditions. Features include interactive guides, lab interpretations, standard medical calculators, and a drug interaction analysis tool. Registration for the site is required at the first login.
Check the Steely A-Z Database webpage for the most up-to-date list of all our databases.