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New Resource - Proquest Central

February 8, 2021
Librarian and student in the library at one of the computer terminals.

ProQuest Central is a comprehensive, diverse, and multidisciplinary research database that covers all major subject areas, including business, health and medical, social sciences, arts and humanities, education, science and technology, and religion. The collection includes thousands of full-text scholarly journals, newspapers, magazines, dissertations, working papers, and market reports all together on a powerful, user-friendly platform. Access the database now!

  • Includes the U.S. Newsstream collection of top newspapers, wires, broadcast transcripts, blogs, and news sites in full-text format. Local, national, and international news coverage includes the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Times, and Boston Globe. 
  • CBS 60 Minutes documentary video series is included, as well as daily videos from New York Times and Washington Post.
  • Key journals include the Lancet, MIT Sloan Management Review, Foreign Affairs, Journal of Marriage and Family, Journal of Business Ethics, The Economist, New Statesman, Billboard, Variety, Macleans, Atlantic Monthly, and The Spectator. Access this resource now!

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