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Institutional Animal Care And Use Committee

The NKU Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) ensures that all vertebrate animal research and related instructional activities are performed in a safe, ethical and legal manner as required by the National Institute of Health's Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW). The IACUC is supported by the NKU Office of Research, Grants, and Contracts. The IACUC is committed to overseeing an animal care and use program that provides a humane and compliant environment for animals and supports the research and teaching programs of our researchers, instructors, and students. Protocols describing animal use in detail must be submitted to and approved by the IACUC before animal use can begin.

NKU IACUC's Protocol Management System

Northern Kentucky University
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
405 University Center
Highland Heights, KY 41099

Phone: (859) 572-5168

Reporting an Animal Welfare Concern

Any individual who has concerns related to the welfare of animals at Northern Kentucky University is encouraged to contact the Office of Research, Grants and Contracts (859-572-5136) or Anita Southwick, Manager of Research Compliance (859-572-5168).

Raising such concerns is a service to the University and does not, in itself, jeopardize employment.

Northern Kentucky University and Animal Welfare Regulations prohibit retaliation of any kind against a person who, acting in good faith, reports a concern or a suspected violation of animal care and use regulations or standards.

NKU's procedures for reporting an animal welfare concern

IACUC Information