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The following are guidelines for the intake of biological materials:.


I. Introduction

The shipping and receiving of biological materials is regulated by several government agencies. According to federal regulations:

"It is the responsibility of the shipper to ensure correct identification, classification, packaging, labeling, marking and documentation for all shipments of infectious substances. In addition, the shipper must make advance arrangements with the recipient (consignee) and operator (carrier), including acquisition of any permits for the importation of infectious substances from foreign countries. Failure to comply with federal and international regulations can result in refusal of the shipment by the airline, penalties of fines, jail, or both. Hand carriage of infectious substances by air is strictly prohibited by law."

 Applicable Transportation Regulations

 Before requesting biological material to be shipped to you:

  • Obtain any required permits, see Sections III & VI, and send copies to the shipper.
  • If shipment is from a foreign country be sure they are aware of U.S. shipping regulations and that they have the correct labels. Send labels to the foreign shipper if needed.
  • Be sure you have current Institutional Biosafety Committee approval to work with the material if it requires Biosafety Level 2 or higher precautions or is a biologically derived toxin.
  • Arrange to have someone present to receive the material when it arrives.
  • Get approval from academic department and dean to receive materials.

 After receiving biological material:

  • Notify the Institutional Biosafety Chair to have Biosafety Level 2 or higher organisms and biologically derived toxins added to the university's biological material inventory.

 Before shipping biological material:

  • Request a copy of Institutional Biosafety Chair's approval for pathogen possession/use from the receiver's institution; send a copy of the approval to Safety and Emergency Management.
  • Determine if a Material Transfer Agreement is required. See Section III D.
  • Determine the material's classification; see Section IV.
  • If the material is classified as a Category A or B Infectious Substance, shipped on dry ice, or a toxin, you must contact the Department of Biological Science Lab Manager who will supervise and sign off on all shipments.  In the event the Lab Manger is not available, contact the Safety and Emergency Management Director.
  • Obtain the correct type of packaging and labels for the material classification.
  • If the receiver needs a permit, request a copy from them before shipping.
  • If shipment is going to another country, see Section VI and include a customs courtesy letter (see section 23).
  • Arrange for the receiver to be available to take possession of the package when it arrives.

The information provided in these guidelines is an overview and not meant to be comprehensive. It may be necessary to contact applicable government agencies for clarification and updates regarding permit requirements.

II. Training Requirements

If you regularly ship Category A or B Infectious Substances on dry ice or toxins as described in Section IV, you must receive initial and update training to fulfill the requirements of the U.S. Department of Transportation and the shipping companies. Shipping training must be updated every two years or more frequently if regulations change.

These guidelines are meant to supplement the above training and are not a substitute for the hazardous material shipping class. Shipping biological materials listed as excluded from dangerous goods regulations in Section IV does not require training.

III. Permits to Receive Biological Materials

Federal permits are required to import/export disease-causing agents for humans and animals, vectors for those agents, animal products, plants, plant products and plant pests. Permits may also be required for domestic transport of some agents. The recipient of the material must obtain any required permits. If you are the shipper, request a copy of any applicable permits from the recipient.

The U.S. receiver (importer) is responsible for the package being sent to them from a foreign country. The receiver must assure that the foreign shipper has packed and labeled the material according to U.S. Public Health Service and the International Air Transport Association (IATA) regulations. The importer must send the proper shipping labels and a copy of their import permit to the shipper. Complying with foreign import regulations should prevent packages from being held at customs or denied entry. See Section VI for additional information.

Inquire to the proper government agency listed below for permit requirements and applications well before the material is needed, as it may take several weeks to process a permit application.

 A. USDA/APHIS Transport Permits

The USDA/APHIS (Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service) regulates transport of materials that could potentially harm U.S. agricultural products including livestock, poultry and crops. APHIS permits may be required for import, export and interstate transport of animal or plant pathogens, pathogen vectors, animals, animal products, plants, plant products, and the introduction of genetically modified organisms into the environment.

1. Transportation of Infectious Substances

Visit U.S. Department of Transportation Overview on Transporting Infectious Substances  for more information.

2.  USDA Import Guidelines For Products That Do Not Require An Import Permit

 3.  Animal Related

USDA/ APHIS permits are required for imports/ exports and inter-state transport of:

  • Animal or plant pathogens including challenge material from the USDA
  • Specimens reasonably believed to contain animal or plant pathogens*
  • Vectors of animal or plant disease*
  • Potentially hazardous animal or plant products

*USDA/APHIS regulation 9 CFR Animals and Animal Products Parts 94, 95, and 122 covers transport of organisms or vectors that can cause infectious diseases of animals. The regulation defines material requiring a permit as, "(d) Organisms. All cultures or collections of organisms or their derivatives, which may introduce or disseminate any contagious or infectious disease of animals (including poultry). (e) Vectors. All animals (including poultry) such as mice, pigeons, guinea pigs, rats, ferrets, rabbits, chickens, dogs, and the like, which have been treated or inoculated with organisms, or which are diseased or infected with any contagious, infectious, or communicable disease of animals or poultry or which have been exposed to any such disease. 

APHIS Imports and Export Guidelines

An Import/Transport permit:

  • Must be obtained by the intended receiver of the material before shipment is made
  • Is good for one year and is amendable/renewable
  • Application (VS Form 16-3) can be downloaded at:
  • Form is for either foreign import or interstate transfer
  • Requires 6 to 8 weeks for processing

To determine if the material you wish to transport requires a permit, visit the APHIS: National Center for Import and Export (NCIE) Website at APHIS Imports and Export Guidelines

NOTE: According to the USDA, "Generally, a USDA veterinary permit (VS-16-6) is needed for materials derived from animals or exposed to animal-source materials. Materials which require a permit include, animal tissues, blood, cells or cell lines of livestock or poultry origin, RNA/DNA extracts, hormones, enzymes, monoclonal antibodies for IN VIVO use in non-human species, certain polyclonal antibodies, antisera, bulk shipments of test kit reagents, and microorganisms including bacteria, viruses, protozoa, and fungi. Exceptions to this requirement are human and non-human primate tissues, serum and blood."

 4.  Plant Related

USDA/APHIS regulation 7 CFR Part 330 Federal Plant Pest Regulations covers the transport of plant pests. For information on plant, pest transport, and plant product transport permits see APHIS Permits.

The intended receiver of plants and plant pests must obtain a permit for transport before shipment is made. Allow 6 to 8 weeks for processing.

Examples of some permit applications are:

  • PPQ 526 Application for Permit to Move Live Plant Pests or Noxious Weeds
  • PPQ 586 Application for Permit to Transit Plants and/or Plant Products Into or Through the United States
  • PPQ 587(MD) Application for Permit to Import Plants or Plant Products
  • PPQ 588 Application for Permit to Import Plants or Plant Products for Experimental Purposes
  • Phytosanitary certificate: document required by many states and foreign countries see APHIS Imports and Export Guidelines for description

Contact APHIS for clarification of which permit is required, instructions on how to obtain permit applications, and to determine if any changes have been made to the initial regulation. APHIS National Center for Import/Export Products (301 734-3277)

 5.  Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)

To determine if a permit is needed to import or transport a GMO, contact the APHIS Biotechnology permit branch via a letter of notification.

 B. Centers for Disease Control (CDC)

The Department of Health and Human Services, through the CDC, regulates the transport of biological materials that could cause illness in humans, including pathogens and biological toxins.

Human infectious substances

In general, a permit is needed for any infectious agent known or suspected to cause disease in humans that you wish to import into the United States. In some cases subsequent distribution of an agent (i.e., SARS-CoV, select agents, viruses requiring BSL-4 containment) is prohibited within the United States and requires CDC authorization/permit prior to transfer to another location within the U.S. These permits may be obtained from the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, Office of Health and Safety, Etiologic Agent Import Permit Program or telephone (404) 498-1600 for further information.

Foreign imports of the following materials require a Permit to Import or Transport Agents or Vectors of Human Disease:

  • Any etiologic agent
  • Any arthropod or other animal host or vector of human disease
  • any exotic living arthropod or other animal capable of being a host or vector of human disease
  • Non-human primate material - all non-human primate material (e.g., blood, plasma, tissue, urine, feces) requires an import permit, unless it has been specifically treated and rendered non-infectious.

Domestic transport may or may not require a permit.

To determine if your shipment requires a permit:

Some microorganisms and cell lines purchased from ATCC require permits to be shipped domestically. For ATCC permit info see ATCC Permits and Restrictions.

C. Phytosanitary Certificate

A phytosanitary certificate is a document often required by many states and foreign countries for the import of nonprocessed, plant products, APHIS Imports and Export Guidelines

 D. Material Transfer Agreement

Steps to ship a Select Agent:

  • Contact the Department of Biological Sciences Lab Manager to coordinate shipment and CDC/USDA approval with the receiving entity.
  • After CDC/USDA approval has been received to ship the material, the material will remain in the Biological Sciences Department for pick-up.
  • Immediately update your inventory including the date sent and signature of the authorized individual who removed the material from storage. Send a copy to EHS Department.
  • Notify EHS Department any time a request is received for a Select Agent even if you do not agree to ship the material.

Steps to receive a Select Agent:

  • Call the Institutional Biosafety Chairperson to verify that the University's Certificate of Registration includes your lab and the desired Select Agent material. 
    • You will need to have an active NKU Biohazardous Agent Registration (BAR) before using the material.  If there are no permits required from Homeland Security or CDC, then your package can be shipped.
    • The location and approximate amounts of Biosafety Level 2 pathogens and select agents will be tracked by the Biosafety Chairperson and the Director of EHS.
  • After the shipping entity receives CDC/USDA approval for the transfer, the Department of Biological Sciences Lab Manager will arrange for shipment. The shipment will be delivered to your department.
  • Open the package in a biological safety cabinet, to examine the contents for damage.
  • Update your inventory immediately including the date received, source of material, and any identifying characteristics. Sign the amended inventory log and send a copy to EHS Department.

The Office of Research, Grants and Contracts handles all incoming Material Transfer Agreements. Contact Mary Ucci for details.

IV. Classification Of Hazardous Material

Biological materials that fall under the Dangerous Goods Regulations for shipping by air are classified in one of four different groups:

  • Category A Infectious substances: Hazard Class 6.2, which are BSL-3 and BSL-4
  • Category B Infectious Substance (previously called Diagnostic/Clinical specimens): Hazard Class 6.2
  • Toxins: Hazard Class 6.1
  • Some genetically modified organisms (GMOs) including microorganisms: Hazard Class 9 UN3245

These classifications are used to select the proper shipping procedures, see Section V. Shipping Category A & B Infectious Agents, Toxins, and some GMOs require attending a training session, see Section II.

Note: If the material is also classified as a Select Agent, additional regulations apply, see Section E below.

The following materials are not classified as dangerous goods and are not subject to IATA regulations:

  • Biological products which are manufactured and packaged in accordance with the requirements of appropriate national authorities and transported for the purposes of final packaging or distribution, and use for personal health care by medical professionals or individuals.
  • Biological products which are certified by the USDA, FDA, or other national authority, for use in the prevention, diagnosis, or treatment of disease in humans or animals, or for development, experimental or investigational purposes related thereto. NOTE: If the product contains an infectious substance it must be shipped as Category A or B Infectious Substance.
  • Substances which do not contain infectious substances or substances that are unlikely to cause disease in humans or animals.
  • Substances containing microorganisms which are non-pathogenic to humans or animals.
  • Patient specimens for which there is minimal likelihood that pathogens are present.

Note:  Patient specimens are material collected directly from humans or animals, including, but not limited to, excreta, secreta, blood and its components, tissue and tissue fluid swabs, and body parts being transported for purpose such as research, diagnosis, investigational activities, disease treatment and prevention.

Note: In determining whether a patient specimen has a minimal likelihood that pathogens are present, an element of professional judgement is required to determine if a substance is exempt. That judgement should be based on the known medical history, symptoms and individual circumstances of the source, human or animal, and endemic local conditions. If there is any reason to suspect that the specimen contains a pathogen, it cannot be shipped as exempt from Class 6.2 Hazardous Material.

  • Substances in a form that any present pathogens have been neutralized or inactivated such that they no longer pose a health risk.
  • Environmental samples (including food and water samples) which are not considered to pose a significant risk of infection.
  • Dried blood spots, collected by applying a drop of blood onto absorbent material, or faecal occult blood screening tests.
  • Material collected for transfusion or transplantation.
  • All human blood, human blood products and human cells must have a biohazard label (OSHA) on the sample on the primary containment but not on the outside of an "exempt human specimen".

Exempt substances do not require a Declaration of Dangerous Goods or hazardous material training. However, if the substance is shipped on dry ice the dangerous goods regulation for dry ice must be followed and training is still required.

USDA/APHIS permits may still be required even if IATA transportation regulations do not apply.

 A. Category A Infectious Substances

Infectious substances are materials that are known or are reasonably expected to contain pathogens. Pathogens are defined as microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, rickettsiae, parasites, fungi) and other agents, such as prions, which can cause disease in humans or animals.

Category A Infectious Substances are agents which are transported in a form that, when exposure to it occurs, is capable of causing permanent disability or life threatening or fatal disease in otherwise healthy humans or animals. All material meeting these criteria must be shipped as Category A. Visit the un3373 website for more information.

NOTE: Some of the materials on this list only need to be shipped as Category A if it is cultured. Cultures do not include patient samples. Patient samples are collected directly from the patient and are not propagated for diagnosis. When in doubt, ship as Category A

B. Biological Substances Category B (Previously Called Diagnostic/Clinical Specimens):

Category B Infectious Substances are biological materials that:

  • Do not meet criteria for inclusion in Category A
  • Are not exempt patient samples and are not included in the exemptions listed above

Category B substances are shipped under the proper shipping name: Biological Substance, Category B.

Any material listed in Appendix 6 cannot be shipped as Category B. This is a list of examples only and is not meant to include all materials forbidden as Category B. When in doubt, ship as Category A.

 C. Non-infectious Exempt Patient Specimens

IATA (air transport) regulations allow for some patient specimens to be shipped as exempt from Dangerous Goods requirements. These regulations are adhered to by FedEx and can also be used for DHL/Airborne shipments.

Exempt patient specimens are those for which there is minimal likelihood that pathogens are present, but that does not mean these are not regulated.

Note: Patient specimens are material collected directly from humans or animals, including, but not limited to, excreta, secreta, blood and its components, tissue and tissue fluid swabs, and body parts being transported for purpose such as research, diagnosis, investigational activities, disease treatment and prevention.

Note: In determining whether a patient specimen has a minimal likelihood that pathogens are present, an element of professional judgement is required to determine if a substance is exempt. That judgement should be based on the known medical history, symptoms and individual circumstances of the source, human or animal, and endemic local conditions. If there is any reason to suspect that the specimen contains a pathogen, it cannot be shipped as exempt from Class 6.2 Hazardous Material.

Exempt substances do not require a Declaration of Dangerous Goods or hazardous material training. However, if the substance is shipped on dry ice the dangerous goods regulation for dry ice must be followed and training is still required.

Exempt patient specimens must be properly packaged.

D. Toxins

Toxins are material obtained from a plant, animal, fungal, or bacterial source that are toxic to humans or animals. Shipping of toxins falls under Hazardous Material regulations. If the toxin is contained in an infectious substance or if the toxin contains an infectious substance, it must be classified as an Infectious Substance, not a toxin. Packing Group (PG I, II, or III) criteria for toxins is based on severity of risk according to its LD50. Shipping training is required. Toxins are Class 6.1.

E. Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)

Genetically modified microorganisms (GMMOs) and genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are microorganisms and organisms in which genetic material has been purposely altered through genetic engineering in a way that does not occur naturally.

Classifying GMOs for shipping:

  • If a GMO meets the definition of a Category A or B Infectious Substance it must be classified as such.
  • GMO/GMMOs, which do not meet the definition of infectious substances, must be assigned to class 9 UN3245 if shipped by air.

Individual countries have strict regulations regarding GMOs. Be sure to become informed of the receiving country's regulations.

F. Select Agents

The federal government regulates the use, handling, and transport of certain biological materials considered to be potential bioterrorism agents.

Select Agents are classified as either Infectious Substances or Toxins. Follow IATA packing and labeling instructions according to its classification. Transport of Select Agents is subject to the following additional regulations; The Department of Health and Human Services' Regulation 42 Part 73, Possession, Use, and Transfer of Select Agents and Toxins; Final Rule,, the USDA's Agricultural Bioterrorism Protection Act, and university policy.

Notify the university's Institutional Biosafety Chairperson if you wish to ship, receive, or transfer any quantity of Select Agents. This includes on campus transfers. All infectious Select Agents and Select Agent toxins, in quantities above CDC exemption quantities, require DEHS and CDC or USDA approval prior to shipping. The Biosafety Chairperson is responsible for tracking all transfers of Select Agents both on and off campus, documenting and reporting transfers to CDC or the USDA, verifying that transfers are only made between registered facilities, maintaining an accurate Select Agent inventory, and notifying CDC or USDA of suspicious activity or requests regarding the transfer of Select Agents.

Federally Regulated Quantities of Select Agents

CDC or USDA must approve all shipments of Select Agents between entities. Both the receiving and the shipping entity must have a current Select Agent Certificate of Registration. The receiving entity is responsible for initiating the approval process.  All documentation should be forwarded to Safety and Emergency Management.

Steps to ship a Select Agent:

  • Contact the Department of Biological Sciences Lab Manager to coordinate shipment and CDC/USDA approval with the receiving entity.
  • After CDC/USDA approval has been received to ship the material, the material will remain in the shipping department for pick-up.
  • Immediately update your inventory including the date sent and signature of the authorized individual who removed the material from storage. Send a copy to Safety and Emergency Management.
  • Notify Safety and Emergency Management any time a request is received for a Select Agent even if you do not agree to ship the material.

Steps to receive a Select Agent:

  • Call the Biosafety Chairperson to verify that the university's Certificate of registration includes your lab and the desired Select Agent material. If it does not, you will need to fill out a Biohazardous Registration Form that will be reviewed by NKU’s Biosafety Chairperson. If approved, and if there are no permits required from Homeland Security or CDC, then your package can be shipped. Level 2 pathogens and select agents will be tracked by the Biosafety Chairperson and the Director of Safety and Emergency Management.
  • After the shipping entity receives CDC/USDA approval for the transfer, the Department of Biological Sciences Lab Manager will arrange for shipment. The shipment will be delivered to your department.
    • Open the package in a biological safety cabinet, to examine the contents for damage.
    • Update your inventory immediately including the date received, source of material, and any identifying characteristics. Sign the amended inventory log and send a copy to Safety and Emergency Management.

Federally Exempt Quantities of Select Agent Toxins

Contact Safety and Emergency Management prior to shipping or receiving any quantity of Select Agent Toxins. Exempt quantities of Select Agent Toxins do not require submission of Report of Transfer Form EA101 to CDC/USDA but are still tracked by the Biosafety Chairperson in order to keep the university's biological material inventory up-to-date. Report to Safety and Emergency Management how much toxin is shipped, when it was shipped and to whom it was shipped.

On Campus Transfer of Select Agents

Follow all transfer of biological material guidelines in Section VIII. In addition:

  • Transfers can only be made between laboratories that are registered for that particular Select Agent
  • Only authorized individuals can make transfers between labs
  • The receiving lab must have an authorized individual present to accept the material
  • Document the transfer by submitting a Record of Transfer of Select Agent to the Biosafety Chairperson, copy Safety and Emergency Management.

Both transferring and receiving labs must immediately update their inventory including the date of transfer and a signature of the authorized individual making the transfer

V. Packing Instructions

The following information is an overview, not comprehensive instructions.

Hazard Class designations and packing groups are used to determine the packing instructions that must be followed for shipping.

FedEx's Web site gives instructions on filling out their U.S. Airbill required for all shipments.

Packages displaying UN markings referred to in the following packing instructions meet the United Nations (UN) packaging specifications and performance testing.

A. Category A Infectious Substances: Packing Instruction 620

Infectious substances require a Shipper's Declaration for Dangerous Goods. FedEx's Web site, provides helpful information on filling out the Shipper's Declaration for Dangerous Goods.

General Requirements

  • The Consignee section of the Shipper's Declaration for Dangerous Goods must include a name and phone number for the person responsible for the shipment.
  • Proper shipping names must be indicated on the outside of the package for UN 2814 - Infectious Substance Affecting Humans and for UN 2900 - Infectious Substance Affecting Animals.
  • Technical names may be omitted from the proper shipping name on the outside of the package.
  • If the technical name of the pathogen is not known, you may omit the technical name on the Shipper's Declaration for Dangerous Goods and place "Suspected Category A infectious Substance" in parenthesis following the proper shipping name.
  • The Additional Handling Information box on the Shipper's Declaration for Dangerous Goods must include "Emergency Telephone Number 1-800-424-9300". (ChemTrec)
  • A SDS sheet must be on file with ChemTrec prior to shipping.
  • Enclose an itemized list of contents between the secondary packaging and the outer packaging.
  • If an overpack is used for dry ice, infectious substance markings need to go on the outer box along with the statement "Inner packages comply with prescribed specifications".

Inner Packaging Requirements

  • Primary receptacles must be watertight.
  • Secondary packaging must be watertight.
  • An itemized list of the contents enclosed between the secondary packaging and the outer packaging
  • Absorbent material must be placed between the primary receptacle(s) and secondary packaging and be of sufficient quantity to absorb the entire contents of the primary receptacle(s).

Outer Packaging Requirements

  • Must be rigid
  • Package must be at least four inches in the smallest overall external dimension.
  • Package must be properly labeled.
  • Package must pass required testing and be marked with UN marking for CLASS 6.2

B. Category B Infectious Substances (Previously Called Diagnostic/Clinical Specimens): Packing Instruction 650

Shipments of Category B Infectious Substances do not require a Dangerous Goods Declaration.

Packaging must be of good quality, strong enough to withstand normal transport conditions including manual or mechanical handling, vibration, changes in temperature, humidity or pressure. Packaging must have:

  • A leak-proof primary receptacle not containing more than 1 liter or 4 kg
  • A leak-proof secondary package
  • A rigid outer package not containing more than 4 liters or 4 kg
  • Outer package must have a diamond-shaped label with UN3373 in letters at least 6mm high and the proper shipping name "Biological Substance, Category B" adjacent to the diamond-shaped label.
  • Outer package must have one side with a minimum of 100mm X 100mm.
  • Include name, address, and telephone number of responsible party either on the air waybill or on the package.
  • Package may include 30ml or less of substances in Classes 3, 8, or 9 if required to maintain the viability of the sample, preserve the sample or reduce the hazard of the sample. Remember, these packing instructions are for air shipments only.

The completed package must be capable of passing a drop test of at least 1.2 meters. An itemized list of contents must be enclosed between the secondary packaging and the outer packaging.

C. Non-infectious Exempt Patient Specimens

  • Use a leak-proof primary receptacle.
  • When multiple fragile primary receptacles are placed in a single secondary package they must be either individually wrapped or otherwise separated to prevent contact between them.
  • For liquid specimens, place sufficient absorbent material between the primary and secondary package to be able to absorb the entire volume.
  • Use a leak-proof secondary receptacle.
  • Use an outer package of adequate strength for its capacity, mass and intended use.
  • The outer package must have at least one surface with minimum dimensions of 100mm x 100mm. If the outer package is smaller, place it in a shipping envelope.
  • Mark the outer package "Exempt Human Specimen" or "Exempt Animal Specimen".
  • For the FedEx Airbill question "Does shipment contain dangerous goods?" check no.

D. Toxins: Packing Instructions Vary

Biologically derived toxins that contain infectious substances or toxins that are contained in an infectious substance must be shipped as a Risk Class 6.2 Infectious Substances. All other biologically derived toxins fall under Risk Class 6.1. Risk Class designations and packing groups are used to determine the packing instructions that must be followed for shipping. Packing Group criteria for toxins is based on severity of risk according to LD50.

Very small amounts of toxins in Risk Class 6.1 may be shipped as "Dangerous Goods in Excepted Quantities." "Excepted Quantities" are accepted from the marking, labeling, and documentation requirements for shipping Dangerous Goods. No toxic label or Shipper's Declaration for Dangerous Goods are needed. On the FedEx waybill, check the box marked "Yes, does not require declaration of dangerous goods." If shipped by ground, the outer packaging must have the marking: "This package conforms to 49 CFR 173.4." If shipped by air, package must have a special handling label for "Excepted Quantities" indicating the hazard class and UN number.

Any quantity of inhalation toxins in Packing Group I may not follow "Excepted Quantities" procedures.

All "Dangerous Goods in Excepted Quantities" must be considered material that is permitted for shipping on passenger aircraft. "Dangerous Goods in Excepted Quantities" cannot be transported in either checked or carry-on baggage or shipped via mail.

If shipping a quantity above the dangerous goods "Excepted Quantities", a shipper's Declaration for Dangerous Goods is required, toxic labels need to be attached, and package must be marked as meeting with UN performance requirements.

E. Genetically Modified Organisms: Packing Instruction 959 (see UPS tips for shipping with dry ice)

IATA regulated GMOs fall under Hazard Class 9, UN3245 and must follow Packing Instruction 959.

  • Hazardous Material shipping training is required.
  • Pack same as infectious materials (Packing Instruction 620) but package does not require testing.
  • The maximum quantity in a primary receptacle must not exceed 100ml or 100g.

F. Dry Ice: Packing Instruction 954 (see UPS tips for shipping with dry ice)

  • Box must be able to release gas build-up
  • Indicate the dry ice weight in kg on both the waybill and on the box
  • Include the marking "Dry Ice, UN1845" on the box
  • Place a Class 9 label on the box

G. Liquid Nitrogen

Properly handled liquid nitrogen "dry shippers" can be transported without any additional regulations. Be sure that all the liquid nitrogen has been removed from the shipper before transport. Failure to do so can result in substantial fines. For further information, see University of Washington EH&S "Tips for Dry Shipping" (see UPS tips for shipping with dry ice).

H. Transporting Infectious Substances Safely

FedEx - General guidelines for packaging, marking and labeling clinical samples and biological substance, Category B, How To Ship Clinical Samples

VI. International Shipment Regulations and Permits

The following agencies may require a permit for international shipments. Expect to need more preparation time to send or receive foreign shipments in order to process the required paperwork.

The U.S. receiver (importer) is responsible for the package being sent to them from a foreign country. The receiver must assure that the foreign shipper has packed and labeled the material according to U.S. Public Health Service and IATA regulations. The importer must send the proper shipping labels and a copy of the import permit to the shipper.

Taking care to comply with foreign import regulations should prevent packages from being held at customs or denied entry. As an extra precaution, you may wish to find out what carrier the shipper will use and what day and at what port your package is expected to arrive. Contact the U.S. Customs Office at that port and inform them that a package will be arriving for you and what the contents will be. Ask them to contact you immediately if there are any questions


Section III covered USDA and CDC permits required to ship/receive biological material both within the U.S. and from a foreign country.

Be aware that Genetically Modified (Engineered) Organisms that are not controlled or subject to regulations, may be held by customs because of the similarity of the organism to other organisms that are regulated. To prevent an international shipment from being stopped at the port of entry:

  • Include a courtesy form letter in the shipment.
  • As another option, application may be made for a Courtesy Permit (APHIS Form 2000) Indicate on the form that the data is being submitted as a request for a courtesy permit. Include a statement explaining why you believe the organism or product does not come within the definition of a regulated article. The application must be submitted at least 60 days prior to the time the courtesy permit is sought.

B. Department of Commerce

Exports of designated biological agents and toxins that have the potential to pose a threat to human, animal or plant life may require a license from the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS). The scope of items subject to this licensing requirement is broader than “select agents,” and researchers must consult with the Director of Safety and Emergency Management to conduct a separate review to determine if a BIS export license is required.

BIS may require a license for the export of:

  • Designated human, animal and plant pathogens, zoonoses and toxins
  • Genetically modified microorganisms or genetic elements that contain nucleic acid sequences associated with the pathogenicity of a controlled organism or that code for a controlled toxin
  • Genetic material and products which might be used for culture of large amounts of agents

These regulations are chemical and biological weapon controls and generally require licenses for all locations other than Canada. (Canada requires the recipient to have an import permit, see E. below.)

Obtaining a license is a long process, and a license may be denied at the discretion of BIS. Researchers should contact the Export Controls Officer as early as possible, should build in three (3) months' lead-time to initiate foreign shipments of material requiring a license, and should not commit to delivery prior to issuance of a license.

 C. U.S. Fish and Wildlife

A permit may be required by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife to export/import non-agricultural biological samples, including artificially propagated plants and endangered species. Call 1-800-770-0150 or go to the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Permits web site to determine if your shipment needs a permit.

 D. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

The FDA controls most food and other products that enter the U.S. Foods (except for certain meats and poultry products), drugs (human, animal and biological), cosmetics, medical devices and radiation emitting devices, etc., offered for entry into the United States require a permit or registration. Go to FDA Import Basics to determine if your request for shipment of one of these products from another country is regulated.

 E. Canadian Import Regulations

Shipments of human, animal, or plant pathogens to Canada will require a Canadian import permit. You will need to allow sufficient lead-time for the Canadian recipient to obtain the proper permits.

Packaging of shipments will need to comply with the Canadian Transport of Dangerous Goods Regulations. See the Transport Canada Web site for details.

VII. Receipt of Leaking, Damaged or Suspicious Packages

A. Leaking or Damaged Package

Departments/laboratories that regularly receive shipments of biological materials should have a written procedure for the receipt of leaking or damaged packages.

If you receive a biological material package that is leaking or has broken containers inside, call Safety and Emergency Management.

  • Consult on clean-up procedures
  • Determine if any outside agencies need to be notified
  • Advise on disposal of the box and its contents

If any material is spilled on a person, remove contaminated clothing and shoes, flush the skin for 15 minutes, and seek medical assistance immediately.

While waiting for help to arrive:

  • Isolate the spill or leak area
  • Keep unauthorized personnel away
  • Obtain identity of the substance(s) involved

 B. Suspicious Package

See the CDC Web site for guidelines on handling suspicious packages or envelopes.

VIII. Transporting Infectious Substances by Ground

When these materials are transported, Department of Transportation (DOT) Hazardous Materials Regulations (HMR) may apply and are extremely complex in nature. Laboratory personnel must properly package, transport, and handle any Infectious substances that are used in their research. Labeling using the universal biohazard symbol is also required for any infectious biological materials in order to prevent accidental exposure to unsuspecting personnel who may be exposed to the biological material (e.g., couriers, administrative staff, and janitors).

A. Packaging and Training Requirements

The following packaging requirements apply to all ground transport of infectious substances prepared for transport either on-grounds or off-grounds irrespective of the mode of transportation .

Category A: It is permissible to hand-carry between buildings. IATA/DOT Packing Instruction PI 620 must be followed. If the distance is too great for carrying by hand, materials must be shipped by air with a commercial carrier (e.g. FedEx, DHL). Cat.A material must NEVER be transported by ground in a motor vehicle.

Category B: must follow the IATA/DOT Packaging Instruction, PI 650.

Exempt Patient/Animal Specimens2:

  • Triple-packaged (i.e., as in Category B with leak proof primary and secondary containers).
  • Absorbent material for liquids, and a rigid outer container.
  • If materials are human in origin, a biohazard symbol must be placed on either the secondary container or the outer container to meet OSHA compliance (29 CFR 1910.1030).

Dry Ice: Package must be labeled “Dry Ice” on two sides. No Training requirements for Ground.

B. Means of Transport

The following are means by which Infectious Substances may be legally transported within and around the University. The DOT Hazardous Material Regulations (49 CFR Parts 171-180) regulates the movement of Division 6.2 Infectious Substances and are regulated when carriage is considered to be "in commerce".

Transport in Personal or University Vehicle

Under NO circumstances may public transportation be used for transport of Hazardous Materials.

In general, movement or ground transport of regulated materials is covered by the DOT's Hazardous Materials Regulations (HMR) only when they are considered to be “in commerce.” If a Division 6.2 infectious substances is transported in a personal or university (i.e., government) vehicle for use in university activities (projects, research, etc.) it is generally not considered to be “in commerce.” However, these personnel must:

  1. Have a valid driver’s license,
  2. Be authorized to use a University vehicle,
  3. Use the proper containment and packaging materials in-route and
  4. Be trained and authorized to handle and transport hazardous materials within University property.
  5. Should use a University vehicle when available.

NOTE: If using a personal vehicle to transport the individual should consult with his/her personal insurance policy regarding liability and coverage in this instance.

Transport By Contracted Carrier

Commercial or Private carriers (i.e., commercial transport companies) are subject to the HMR. These include companies such as FedEx, DHL as well as medical couriers etc. Transport of infectious substances to other institutions or entities such as another university, a waste disposal facility or a return to the manufacturer, should only be done by DOT licensed hazardous materials carriers to another location via a public thoroughfare. When Principal Investigators leave an institution, the research may be transferred to the new institution, which then becomes the owner, however, the original institution is legally responsible for the shipment to the new institution. Contact the Biological Science Lab Manager for consultation.

Category A and Category B Infectious Substance should be consigned by air (exempt human specimens are exempt but regulated). Assurance from the carrier must be given that DOT regulations are being met.

As of October 1, 2006 the DOT regulations state that Materials of Trade (MOTS) see 49 CFR §173.6 exceptions only apply to patient specimens or those samples that would be otherwise considered Category B that are contained in a human (patient) or animal sample (no cultures). Therefore personal or dedicated vehicle transport in addition to carrier transport can only use a MOTS exception for Patient Specimens.

Transport (hand-carry) between University labs or buildings through public areas

Infectious substances must be transported or moved between laboratories in way as to prevent spills and accidental exposure or release. Include the following:

  • Provide your contact information: name, address, and phone on the outside of the package
  • Place material in a primary (specimen) container that is leak-proof and secured with a tight-fitting cap, parafilm, or lab tape.
  • Place sufficient absorbent material (diapers, absorbent towels, pads) around the primary containers to contain all the liquid if a breakage occurs.
  • Place the primary containers in a secondary transport container that is also sealed and labeled with a biohazard symbol.
  • Rigid outer package of good quality strong enough to withstand normal transport conditions.3
  • If transporting on dry ice label the package "Dry Ice" on two sides.
  • Materials packed in this way may be moved on a cart or other device between rooms or buildings.
  • Lab coats and gloves are not appropriate attire for moving between buildings or transporting material in tunnels. Wear PPE that is appropriate for movement through public areas (e.g. lab coat and/or single-glove technique where appropriate -- it is not advisable to wear gloves when using public elevators, however, a single-glove technique may be employed when moving through laboratory floors).
  • Leave the material with a known responsible individual in the receiving lab. Do not leave the material unattended or with an unknown individual.


1) The handling and movement of hazardous materials within a building between rooms is governed by:

29 CFR 1910.1030, Bloodborne Pathogens Standard
29 CFR Part 1910.1200, Hazard Communication
29 CFR Part 1910.1450, Occupational Exposure to Hazardous Materials in Laboratories
40 CFR Part 262, Standard Applicable to Generators of Hazardous Waste.
The ground (vehicle) transport of hazardous materials between buildings or off-site to other entities is governed by:
49 CFR Parts 171-180, Hazardous Materials Regulations 171.1 (d)

2) Functions not subject to the requirements of the HMR

The following are examples of activities to which the HMR do not apply:

  • Transportation of a hazardous material in a motor vehicle, aircraft, or vessel operated by a Federal, state, or local government employee solely for noncommercial Federal, state, or local government purposes.
  • Transportation of a hazardous material by an individual for non-commercial purposes in a private motor vehicle, including a leased or rented motor vehicle.
  • Air transport is regulated by the IATA Dangerous Good Regulations, 49th Ed. 2008.
3) Important Shipping Information Links

Federal Aviation Administration, Dangerous Goods Program

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, US Department of Transportation

International Air Transport Association

Office of Research Services, National Institutes of Health - Shipping Hazardous Materials Safely

Research and Special Programs Administration, US Department of Transportation

1 The amount of Division 6.2 material in a combination packaging must conform to the following limitations: (A) one or more inner packaging, each of which may not contain more than 0.5 kg (1.1 lbs) or 0.5 L (17 ounces), and an outer packaging containing not more than 4 kg (8.8 lbs) or 4 L (1 gallon); or (B) A single inner packaging containing not more than 16 kg (35.2 lbs) or 16 L (4.2 gallons) in a single outer packaging.

2 DOT’s "Patient Specimen" definition and exemption differs from the IATA definition when materials are shipped by air. Contact EHS Biosafety for more information if shipping by air.

3 Pressure-tested (i.e., 95 kPa) secondary containers not required for ground transport

Adapted from the University of Minnesota website.