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Research training is a requirement for researchers involved with human subject, biosafety and vertebrate animal research.  NKU utilizes a web-based site, Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI), to meet these requirements.

Required Research Training

Training Processes And Links

NKU requires all researchers to:

  • Take and pass the required research-relevant courses (animal subjects, human subjects, general research) with an 80% or higher for each individual module.

Principal Investigators, Co-PIs, and associated senior personnel receiving external funding awards through the Office of Research, Grants and Contracts need to:

Please note:

The CITI training system only requires an 80% average on all modules, however, NKU requires 80% on each individual module. Please be sure to pass each quiz with an 80% or higher.

Students/trainees that are funded by either National Science Foundation (NSF) or select National Institutes of Health (NIH) grants are required to:

  • Take and pass the Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) course with an 80% or higher for each individual module.

Please note:

CITI will tell you that you are passing with 80% but you will not pass unless you have an 80% or higher on each individual module.