Processing for NKU Internal Review: Northern Kentucky University, Greater Cincinnati Region
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Prior to the submission of any application or request for funding, the proposal must go through a series of reviews and checks in order to be certain that the information complies with the requirements of the Sponsor and of NKU. This series of reviews and checks assists the investigator in submitting a competitive proposal and increases the probability of a funding award.
All requests for external funding (regardless of the Sponsor and required submission system) are required to be created and routed for internal approval via the Mentor grants system. Your RGC Grants Administrator will initiate the proposal file for you. Once the required data is entered, then it is processed through the following steps for preliminary review and approval:

Investigator Review

At this step, verify the entered data is correct and the proposal file includes all relevant information related to the project.

College Review

At this step, the proposal file is routed to all key personnel for electronic approval. Then, it is routed to each respective department chair and dean for review and electronic approval.

RGC Review

The next step includes the routing of the proposal file to the RGC office. Once the file is received and approved at the RGC level, then your RGC Grants Administrator will reach out regarding any last steps to finalize and prep your proposal for submission. NOTE: The RGC Grants Administrator will always ask the PI for confirmation prior to the submission of any proposal.

Please note: All required documents in their FINAL form should be received by the RGC office at least 5 business days prior to the scheduled submission date, with the exception of the summary/narrative/project description document (which can be provided 1 business day prior to the submission deadline). See the ‘Internal Timeline’ information.