This information will help you manage your protocol going forward.
There are four (4) types of amendments. To determine the appropriate amendment category, please see the descriptions below.
Instructions for submitting a study amendment for protocols approved BEFORE 07/01/2019
Instructions for submitting a study amendment for protocols approved AFTER 07/01/2019
Amendments that qualify for administrative review may be reviewed by the IACUC Administrator or any member of the IACUC, if necessary. The following items may be approved via administrative review:
Certain amendments qualify for expedited review. This means the amendment needs to be reviewed only by the IACUC Chair or the IACUC Veterinarian. Typically, an amendment undergoing expedited review will be reviewed within five business days.
Amendments qualifying for expedited review must include one of the following amendments:
Annual reports are due for the first two (2) years, for all IACUC approved studies, by the annual anniversary date of the study. After which, the researcher may:
To submit an annual report, the Principal Investigator must follow these instructions.
As a reminder:
The following steps will be taken if the PI does not submit the annual report:
1. The IACUC Administrator will contact the researcher to notify the researcher that the annual report is late (30 days after due date).
2. After another 30 days, if the annual report has not been submitted to the IACUC Administrator, the IACUC Administrator will contact the researcher and copy the Chair of the IACUC, and the Chair of the department or immediate supervisor, on the email (60 days after due date).
3. After another 30 days, if the annual report has not be submitted to the IACUC Administrator, the IACUC Administrator will contact the researcher and copy the Chair of the IACUC, the Chair of the department or immediate supervisor, and the Dean of the college on the email (90 days after due date).
4. After another 30 days, if the annual report has not be submitted to the IACUC Administrator, the IACUC Administrator will contact the researcher and copy the Chair of the IACUC, the Chair of the department or immediate supervisor, the Dean of the college, and the Vice Provost for Graduate Education, Research and Outreach on the email (120 days after due date).
5. After another 30 days, if the annual report has not been submitted to the IACUC Administrator, the research study will be placed on an administrative hold until the report has been submitted.
If a PI would like to continue the research past the three year expiration date, a new protocol must be submitted and a new review will be conducted by the IACUC.