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Mariah Stanforth

“Four years flies by, and you're not going to remember the grade you got in one class, but you will remember and cherish the friends you made along the way.”

Mariah Stanforth graduated NKU with a BS in psychology and a BA in criminal justice in May 2016 and is currently working Fabric Care sales at Procter And Gamble.

Mariah says that she got her dream job because NKU invested in her beyond the classroom. She gained leadership through extracurriculars and she had amazing mentors like Dr. Danielle McDonald and Dr. Robin Bartlett who lead her in her independent research and internships.

Combined, they taught her the skills and confidence needed for the job such as critical thinking and data analytics.

Mariah’s advice to new students is to push yourself to new limits, join clubs, make new friends and take on leadership roles.